javascript - 我可以填充 ServiceType,但无法获取 ServiceName 的正确值(相关下拉列表)

标签 javascript angularjs

如何根据 ServiceType 下拉列表选择的值获得正确的 ServiceName 下拉值。

$scope.ServiceTypeAndName = [    
      "list":["ADL Functional Assessment", "Community Functional Assessment", "Future Care Cost Analysis"]
      "type":"Paper Review",
      "list":["OT - In Home Assessment - ABI", "OT - In Home Assessment Attendant Care with Form 1", "OT - Occupational Therapy Assessment"]
      "list":["Situational Assessment", "Situational Assessment (OT) - Day 1", "Situational Assessment (OT) - Day 2", "Construction Cost Consulting"]

$scope.selectedLine = [{"Event_ID": "100", "Service_Type": "In-Person", "Service_Name": "Community Functional Assessment"}, {"Event_ID": "101", "Service_Type": "Paper Review", "Service_Name": "OT - Occupational Therapy Assessment"},{"Event_ID": "102", "Service_Type": "In-Person", "Service_Name": "Future Care Cost Analysis"}];
<select ng-model="selectedLine.Service_Type" name="ServiceType" class="form-control">
   <option ng-repeat="temp in ServiceTypeAndName" value="{{temp.type}}">{{temp.type}}</option>
<select ng-model="selectedLine.Service_Name" name="ServiceName" ng-required="selectedLine.Service_Type!=''" class="form-control"> 




Working Plnkr

基本上,您需要找出您匹配的 ServiceTypeAndName 数组中的哪个对象。这需要一个过滤器:

$scope.selectedLineChanged = function () {                  
   $scope.SelectedServiceTypeAndName = $filter('filter')($scope.ServiceTypeAndName, $scope.selectedLine.Service_Type)[0];           

事情是这样的:我不知道您打算如何加载所选项目,即存储在 selectedLines 数组中的项目。我通过该 plnkr 中的选择框加载项目。


enter image description here

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