javascript - ajax 调用后 Google 图表不绘制

标签 javascript jquery google-visualization chartkick

我有一个显示许多 Google 图表的时间线。

当您点击主页时,所有 Google 图表都会正确加载并显示。但是,时间线底部有一个“加载更多”。不会绘制由此“加载更多”生成的图表。

http://CappedIn.com确切的例子。看到许多图表渲染成功。并查看底部和“加载更多”。 “加载更多”后,图表不会呈现。

使用调试器我看到drawChart没有被调用。 google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);似乎没有被调用。


    google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});

    function drawChart() {
      var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(#{get_line_movement_data(line_movement.event,chart_type)});
      var options = {"title":"#{chart_title}","colors":["#0088cc"]};
      var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById("line-movement-#{chart_type}-#{}"));
      chart.draw(data, options);


  $(document).ready(function () {
    // when the load more link is clicked
    $('a.load-more').click(function (e) {
        // prevent the default click action

        // hide load more link

        // show loading gif

        // get the last id and save it in a variable 'last-id'
        var last_position = $('.record').last().attr('data-position');
        // make an ajax call passing along our last user id

            // make a get request to the server
            type: "GET",
            // get the url from the href attribute of our link
            url: $(this).attr('href'),
            // send the last id to our rails app
            data: {
                feed_item_position: last_position
            // the response will be a script
            dataType: "script",

            // upon success 
            success: function () {
                // hide the loading gif
                // show our load more link


我确实在 <head> 中加载了 Google Charts js当然。

= javascript_include_tag "//", "chartkick"

Ruby on Rails 项目并不重要。



我将数据重新加载到 Google 数据表中,将该数据表打包到 Google 图 TableView 中,并使用该 View 显式地重新绘制图表。

 // when the load more link is clicked
$('a.load-more').click(function (e) {
// prevent the default click action

// hide load more link

// show loading gif

// get the last id and save it in a variable 'last-id'
var last_position = $('.record').last().attr('data-position');
// make an ajax call passing along our last user id

    // make a get request to the server
    type: "GET",
    // get the url from the href attribute of our link
    url: $(this).attr('href'),
    // send the last id to our rails app
    data: {
        feed_item_position: last_position
    // the response will be a script
    dataType: "script",

    // upon success 
    success: function ( data ) { 
        // hide the loading gif
        // show our load more link

        // get a reference to the line chart
        var chart = window.chartGoogleLineChart;

        // build a new google datatable with the data
        var dt = new google.visualization.DataTable(data);

        var view = new google.visualization.DataView(dt);
        chart.formatView(chart, view);

        chart.draw(view, true); 


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