javascript - 从浏览器中的麦克风获取音频输入并提取特征

标签 javascript audio html5-audio audio-recording


我知道我可以在 JavaScript 中使用 getUserMedia() 来捕获音频,但是它可以使用 JavaScript 轻松处理该音频吗?还是我应该换个方向?



最容易使用的是 Microphone.js


To instantiate the main Microphone object, use the create function:

require(['microphone'], function(microphone){
 var Microphone = microphone.create();

To activate voice processing, use the on function:
Microphone.on(); The primary usage of microphone.js is through the addCommand function. This takes two main arguments: patterns, which is assumed to be an array of regular expressions, and the callback, which is the code that will be run if any of the patterns specified match the voice input:

    patterns: [new RegExp('dog', 'i')],
    callback: function() {
      alert("no, cats!");

The callback also receives two arguments: the current Microphone instance, allowing the user to inspect the currentTranscript and other relevant information; and the matched CommandString, which exposes the matched string, and the args, which is an array of the words following the matched string. This allows you to do things like:

    patterns: [new RegExp("display", "i")],
    callback: function(mic, command) {
      $("#" + command.args[0]).show();

Thus, if you said "display foo", the DOM element with an id of foo would be shown (presuming you are using jQuery, of course).

还有Web Speech API ,它更复杂,但也有更多功能。


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