javascript - 为什么它需要最初双击才能运行功能,然后单击?

标签 javascript addeventlistener

// Quote Data
const data = {
  quotes: [{
    id: 1,
    "author": "Shakespeare",
    "source": "Julius Caesar",
    "quote": "Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once."
    id: 2,
    "author": "Steinbeck",
    "source": "East of Eden",
    "quote": "And this I believe: that the free, exploring mind of the individual human is the most valuable thing in the world."
    id: 3,
    "author": "Vonnegut",
    "source": "Galápagos",
    "quote": " are descended from a long line of determined, resourceful, microscopic tadpoles-- champions every one."

var myIndex = 0;
var author = document.getElementById('author');
var source = document.getElementById('source');
var quote = document.getElementById('quote');

//Print first value of array right away.
author.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].author;
source.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].source;
quote.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].quote;

//Generate Tweet with Quote Contents
  function updateTweetURL() {
    var shareQuote = document.getElementById('shareQuote');
    shareQuote.href = '' + data.quotes[myIndex].quote + ' - ' + data.quotes[myIndex].author ;

// Action when 'Next Quote' is clicked
document.getElementById('button').addEventListener("click", function() {

  //Load next Quote
function nextElement() {
  author.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].author;
  source.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].source;
  quote.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].quote;
  myIndex = (myIndex+1)%(data.quotes.length);


// Action when Twitter Share is clicked
// document.getElementById('shareQuote').addEventListener("click", function() {
//   //Generate Tweet with Quote Contents
//   function updateTweetURL() {
//     var shareQuote = document.getElementById('shareQuote');
//     shareQuote.href = '' + data.quotes[myIndex].quote + ' - ' + data.quotes[myIndex].author ;
//   }
//   updateTweetURL();
// });

报价正确加载,单击 Twitter 共享按钮会生成正确的共享模板。然而,第一次单击“下一个报价”按钮时,必须单击两次才能到达下一个报价。此后,只需单击一下即可。如有任何帮助,我们将不胜感激。



However, on the very first time clicking on the "Next Quote" button, it has to be clicked twice to get to the next quote.

这是因为您要在函数 nextElement() 末尾更新 myIndex


function nextElement() {
  myIndex = (myIndex+1)%(data.quotes.length);  // <----------
  author.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].author;
  source.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].source;
  quote.innerHTML = data.quotes[myIndex].quote;

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