java - 使用 jcc 从 numpy 数组创建 nd JArray

标签 java python numpy jcc

我有一些 java 类(不是我写的),我试图从 python 访问它们。我已经用 JCC 成功编译了它们,并且可以毫无问题地访问这些方法。我可以调用需要 numpy 1D 数组(或列表,它们是相同的)的方法,但我不知道如何创建 2D 或 3D JArray 来提供给代码。

似乎由于 numpy 数组是嵌入列表,因此它们无法直接转换为 JArray。 JCC 文档试图解释如何做到这一点,但它完全晦涩难懂。

cast obj to an array of Document

       JArray('object').cast_(obj, Document)

In both cases, the java type of obj must be compatible with the array type it is being >cast to.

using nested array:

       d = JArray('object')(1, Document) d[0] = Document() d JArray<object>[<Document: Document<>>] d[0] <Document: Document<>> a = JArray('object')(2) a[0] = d a[1] = JArray('int')([0, 1, 2]) a JArray<object>[<Object: [Lorg.apache.lucene.document.Document;@694f12>, <Object: [I@234265>] a[0] <Object: [Lorg.apache.lucene.document.Document;@694f12> a[1] <Object: [I@234265> JArray('object').cast_(a[0])[0] <Object: Document<>> JArray('object').cast_(a[0], Document)[0] <Document: Document<>> JArray('int').cast_(a[1]) JArray<int>[0, 1, 2] JArray('int').cast_(a[1])[0] 0


import my_java_class
import numpy as np

arr = np.ones(10)
# This makes a 1d JArray that can be later used by the java classes in my_java_class
j_arr = my_java_class.JArray('float')(arr) 
arr_2d = np.ones((10,10))
# This fails since the nested lists can't be converted to a 2d JArray.
j_arr2d = my_java_class.JArray('float')(arr_2d) 

我还尝试在 JArray 中重新嵌入 JArray,就像 jcc 文档似乎所做的那样,但这似乎也不起作用。



a = JArray('double')(np.ones(3))
b = JArray('double')(np.ones(3))

ab = JArray('object')((a, b))


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