java - Android/Java - 将 textView 添加到拖放 GridView 教程/示例

标签 java android gridview drag-and-drop android-launcher


现在我正在尝试修改示例,以便不仅能够拖放图像,还可以同时拖放图像和 TextView 。



tx = (TextView) findViewById(;   



我只需要弄清楚如何将 textView 添加到这个简单的拖放 gridView 教程中。




“您需要提供一个自定义类来定义 GridView 中的项目。该 View 将显示文本和图像。让新类实现拖放接口(interface)。在acceptDrop方法中复制文本和图像。

您面临的部分问题类似于使用带有 ListView 的自定义列表项。在进行拖放部分之前,最好先找到一些示例。”


 * Interface defining an object that reacts to objects being dragged over and dropped onto it.
public interface DropTarget {

     * Handle an object being dropped on the DropTarget
     * @param source DragSource where the drag started
     * @param x X coordinate of the drop location
     * @param y Y coordinate of the drop location
     * @param xOffset Horizontal offset with the object being dragged where the original
     *          touch happened
     * @param yOffset Vertical offset with the object being dragged where the original
     *          touch happened
     * @param dragView The DragView that's being dragged around on screen.
     * @param dragInfo Data associated with the object being dragged
    void onDrop(DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset,
            DragView dragView, Object dragInfo);

     * React to something started to be dragged.
    void onDragEnter(DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset,
            DragView dragView, Object dragInfo);

     * React to something being dragged over the drop target.
    void onDragOver(DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset,
            DragView dragView, Object dragInfo);

     * React to a drag 
    void onDragExit(DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset,
            DragView dragView, Object dragInfo);

     * Check if a drop action can occur at, or near, the requested location.
     * This may be called repeatedly during a drag, so any calls should return
     * quickly.
     * @param source DragSource where the drag started
     * @param x X coordinate of the drop location
     * @param y Y coordinate of the drop location
     * @param xOffset Horizontal offset with the object being dragged where the
     *            original touch happened
     * @param yOffset Vertical offset with the object being dragged where the
     *            original touch happened
     * @param dragView The DragView that's being dragged around on screen.
     * @param dragInfo Data associated with the object being dragged
     * @return True if the drop will be accepted, false otherwise.
    boolean acceptDrop(DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset,
            DragView dragView, Object dragInfo);

     * Estimate the surface area where this object would land if dropped at the
     * given location.
     * @param source DragSource where the drag started
     * @param x X coordinate of the drop location
     * @param y Y coordinate of the drop location
     * @param xOffset Horizontal offset with the object being dragged where the
     *            original touch happened
     * @param yOffset Vertical offset with the object being dragged where the
     *            original touch happened
     * @param dragView The DragView that's being dragged around on screen.
     * @param dragInfo Data associated with the object being dragged
     * @param recycle {@link Rect} object to be possibly recycled.
     * @return Estimated area that would be occupied if object was dropped at
     *         the given location. Should return null if no estimate is found,
     *         or if this target doesn't provide estimations.
    Rect estimateDropLocation(DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset,
            DragView dragView, Object dragInfo, Rect recycle);

    // These methods are implemented in Views
    void getHitRect(Rect outRect);
    void getLocationOnScreen(int[] loc);
    int getLeft();
    int getTop();


在 GridView 中实现拖放的简单方法可以在此链接 上找到。

其 git 是

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