java - 更改 Facebook SDK 请求对话框标题和通知标题

标签 java android facebook facebook-requests

这个问题是关于android的...我已经花了一周时间尝试显示我自己的消息作为邀请/请求对话框和通知的标题(对于facebook SDK 3.0+),但我不知道怎么样,facebook SDK文档就是一 block !@#$,我必须从头开始看一遍所有文档才能了解一点信息


        final Bundle parameters = new Bundle();
        parameters.putString("app_id", /*app id*/);
        parameters.putString("to", /*selected friends*/);
        parameters.putString("message", /*a message displayed to the inviter*/);
        WebDialog dialog = new WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder(
                        this, Session.getActiveSession(), parameters)
                        .setOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {/*what ever happens here */}

现在 2 分:

1- i want to set the title of the request dialog, all i can see is "app requests"
2- i want to change the message that appears in the notification for the receiver

请不要告诉我查看 Facebook 文档,它只是一部分!@#$



WebDialog dialog = new WebDialog.RequestsDialogBuilder(
                    this, Session.getActiveSession(), parameters)
                    .setTitle("Whatever title you like")
                    .setOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener() {
                        /*what ever happens here */

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