Java、ASM : How to Get Opcode Name and TagValue from ASM InsnNode?

标签 java java-bytecode-asm

我正在研究一些类文件分析,并且正在研究使用 ASM 来读取类。在 Javap 中,操作码以及 tagName 和 tagValue 是内联打印的,但在每个 AbstractInsnNode 中,我只看到 int 的字段(而不是 tagValue)

for(AbstractInsnNode abstractInsnNode : instructionList)
   System.out.println("\tOpcode: " + + abstractInsnNode.getOpcode()  +
        " type: " + abstractInsnNode.getType());


5: invokeinterface #6,  2 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Set.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z



 jvmOperations": [{
        "byteOffset": 0,
        "constantPoolIndex": null,
        "opCode": 42,
        "opCodeName": "aload_0",
        "type": null,
        "tagName": null,
        "tagValue": null
    }, {
        "byteOffset": 1,
        "constantPoolIndex": null,
        "opCode": 180,
        "opCodeName": "getfield",
        "type": null,
        "tagName": "Field",
        "tagValue": "val$foo:Lcom/example/graph/demo/Foo;"
    }, {
        "byteOffset": 4,
        "constantPoolIndex": null,
        "opCode": 182,
        "opCodeName": "invokevirtual",
        "type": null,
        "tagName": "Method",
        "tagValue": "com/example/graph/demo/Foo.doSomething:()Ljava/lang/Integer;"
    }, {
        "byteOffset": 7,
        "constantPoolIndex": null,
        "opCode": 176,
        "opCodeName": "areturn",
        "type": null,
        "tagName": null,
        "tagValue": null


我会检查 ASMifier 的来源和 Textifier类如何打印东西..

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