java - 检查 ReentrantReadWriteLock 的状态(锁定读/写,线程等待)

标签 java multithreading concurrency locking

我正在实现 DocumentProvider必须支持并发访问 Document它提供了。其大致工作原理如下:

  • 文档按需加载。
  • 使用文档时,它保存在 activeDocuments 中(a Map<String, Document> 按文档 ID 索引)。
  • 文档停止使用后,将从 activeDocuments 移出至idleDocuments (也是一个 Map<String, Document> 按文档 ID 索引)。 idleDocuments是一个 LRU 缓存,这意味着在某个时刻 Document此缓存中的内容可能会被丢弃。
  • 每个文档都可以按照通常的读者/作者政策进行阅读或写作。这是使用 ReentrantReadWriteLock 实现的每个活跃Document .
  • 尝试锁定文档是非锁定的:线程将调用 tryLock而不是lock 。如果无法锁定文档,则会出现 CannotLockException被抛出,线程将不得不处理它——到底如何处理超出了这个问题的范围。 (示例:显示消息“文档当前已锁定。您想打开只读副本吗?”)


public enum LockMode {
public class DocumentManager {

     * Documents currently in use (indexed by documentId).<br>
     * Always accessed in a synchronized(activeDocuments) block.
    private Map<String, Document> activeDocuments;

     * Documents that have been loaded but are not in use (indexed by
     * documentId). This is a LRU cache and documents may be discarded if the
     * cache is full.<br>
     * Always accessed in a synchronized(activeDocuments) block.
    private Map<String, Document> idleDocuments;

     * Read/write locks in for the {@link #activeDocuments} (indexed by
     * documentId).<br>
     * Always accessed in a synchronized(readWriteLocks) block.
    private Map<String, ReentrantReadWriteLock> readWriteLocks;

    public Document openDocument(String documentId, LockMode lockMode) throws CannotLockException {
        Document document = null;
        synchronized (activeDocuments) {
            document = activeDocuments.get(documentId);
            if (document == null) {
                document = loadDocument(documentId);
                activeDocuments.put(documentId, document);
        if (document != null) {
            tryLock(documentId, lockMode);
        return document;

    protected Document loadDocument(String documentId) {
        synchronized (activeDocuments) {
            Document document = idleDocuments.remove(documentId);
            if (document == null) {
                document = // load the document from disk
            return document;

    public void tryLock(String documentId, LockMode lockMode) throws CannotLockException {
       synchronized (readWriteLocks) {
          ReentrantReadWriteLock readWriteLock = readWriteLocks.get(documentId);
          if (readWriteLock == null) {
             readWriteLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
             readWriteLocks.put(documentId, readWriteLock);
          Lock lock = getLock(readWriteLock, lockMode);
          if (!lock.tryLock()) {
              throw new CannotLockException("Cannot lock document " + documentId + " for " + lockMode);

    public void unlock(String documentId) throws CannotUnlockException {
        ReentrantReadWriteLock readWriteLock = null;
        synchronized (readWriteLocks) {
            readWriteLock = readWriteLocks.get(documentId);

            if (readWriteLock == null) {
                throw new CannotUnlockException("Cannot unlock document " + documentId
                        + ": it is not currently locked");

            Lock lock = null;
            // (1) From isWriteLocked's javadoc:
            // Queries if the write lock is held by any thread. This method is
            // designed for use in monitoring system state, not for
            // synchronization control.
            if (readWriteLock.isWriteLocked()) {
                lock = readWriteLock.writeLock();
            } else {
                lock = readWriteLock.readLock();
            try {
            } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException e) {
                throw new CannotUnlockException("Cannot unlock document " + documentId
                        + ": this thread does not own any lock on it", e);

            // (2) From hasQueuedThreads's javadoc:
            // Queries whether any threads are waiting to acquire the read or
            // write lock. Note that because cancellations may occur at any
            // time, a true return does not guarantee that any other thread will
            // ever acquire a lock. This method is designed primarily for use in
            // monitoring of the system state.
            if (!readWriteLock.hasQueuedThreads() &&
                // (3) From getReadLockCount's javadoc:
                // Queries the number of read locks held for this lock. This
                // method is designed for use in monitoring system state, not
                // for synchronization control.
                readWriteLock.getReadLockCount() == 0) {
                synchronized (activeDocuments) {
                    Document document = activeDocuments.remove(documentId);
                    idleDocuments.put(documentId, document);
                    // Remove the lock from the map to free some space.

    protected Lock getLock(ReentrantReadWriteLock lock, LockMode lockMode) {
       switch (lockMode) {
       case READ:
          return lock.readLock();
       case WRITE:
          return lock.readLock();
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown " + LockMode.class.getName() + ": " + lockMode);


正如你可能在我的代码注释中看到的,方法unlock中有几个点(标记为 (1)、(2)、(3)),其中我调用 Javadoc 指示它们用于监视而不是同步的方法。显然这是不行的,所以我正在寻找替代方案。有问题的方法检查是否给定 ReentrantReadWriteLock当前已锁定以进行读取((3), getReadLockCount )或写入((1), isWriteLocked )以及是否有线程在锁上排队((2), hasQueuedThreads ——诚然与我当前的 tryLock 场景无关,但我仍然想检查)。基本上,我想知道相关文档是否刚刚从 Activity 变为空闲(没有人想再使用它),因此我可以将其从 activeDocuments 移走。至idleDocuments .

我可以将状态(锁定读/写,线程等待)保留在 DocumentProvider 中,但如果锁具有(或有权访问)必要的信息,我宁愿避免这种情况。我正在查看上面提到的方法( isWriteLockedgetReadLockCount , hasQueuedThreads )并且在我看来,在我的特定场景中,这些方法应该反射(reflect)锁的实际状态,因为任何可能修改锁状态的操作总是在 synchronized (readWriteLocks) {} 内执行。 block ,因此当我调用这些潜在不安全方法之一时,锁的状态不应更改。

你同意吗? 如果没有,我是否应该将此信息保留在锁外部,在 DocumentProvider 中?



您可以手动实现ReentrantReadWriteLock锁,而不是使用系统锁。 (请注意,java 锁期望从之前锁定它的同一个线程执行解锁。)因为您不使用阻塞锁,所以实现很简单:

class MyReentrantReadWriteLock {
    private int state; // 0 - free, -1 - write locked, n>0 - read locked n times
    public bool tryLock(LockMode lockMode) {
        switch(lockMode) {
        case READ:
            if(state == -1) return false; // Already write-locked.
            return true;
        case WRITE:
            if(state) return false; // Already locked.
            state = -1;
            return true;
    public void unlock() {
         switch(state) {
         case 0:
             // error: not locked
         case -1:
             state = 0; // write unlock
             state--; // read unlock
    public bool isLocked() {
        return state != 0;





  1. lockMode存储在Document对象中。例如,如 bool m_isWritable;
  2. readWriteLocks 字段定义中的 ReentrantReadWriteLock 替换为任何引用计数类(并且可能重命名字段本身)。

这允许 DocumentManager 成为真正的工厂对象,如果文档已经以可写方式打开,则禁止(例如抛出异常)打开文档(反之亦然)。

从另一边来看,使用 document 的线程可以通过引用将其传递给任何辅助函数,并且该函数可以检查 document 是否可写:

// User of the document
    doc = documentManager.openDocument("doc1", WRITE);

// Implementation of auxiliary function
void doSomethingWithDocument(Document doc) {
     if(!doc.isWritable()) throw new Exception("Read-only document!");
     // Process document

使用该实现,您不需要可重入锁定(对 openDocument() 的所有调用都被视为对文档引用的请求)。至于锁降级,可以在DocumentManager中以简单的方法实现:

void makeReadOnly(Document doc)
         doc->m_isWritable = false;

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