java - 在非静态内部类中使用泛型

标签 java android generics

public abstract class OuterClass<OT extends OuterClass<OT>> {
    public <C extends OuterClass<?>> C parse(Class<C> clazz) {
        if (clazz.isInstance(this)) {
            return (C) this;

        return null;

    public abstract class InnerClass<CT extends InnerClass<CT> {
        public <C extends InnerClass<?>> C parse(Class<C> clazz) {
            if (clazz.isInstance(this)) {
                return (C) this;

            return null;

OuterClass<?> oInstance;
InnerClass<?> iInstance;

在上面的例子中 iInstance变量工作正常。然而iInstance添加泛型部分时变量显示错误

Type arguments given on a raw type


public class ExtendedOuter extends OuterClass<ExtendedOuter> {


// This only works on OuterClass<?> and not on OuterClass
ExtendedOuter eInstance = oInstance.parse(ExtendedOuter.class);

Found: OuterClass, required: ExtendedOuter

这对于静态/外部类来说没有问题,因为它们可以定义为 ClassName<?> ,但非静态内部类不能用 <?> 定义


编辑: 让我举一些例子,为什么这些类使用它们的扩展版本作为通用类。

public abstract class OuterClass<OT extends OuterClass<OT>> {
    public abstract OT returnMe();

public class ExtendedOuter extends OuterClass<ExtendedOuter> {
    public ExtendedOuter returnMe() {
        return this;

如果我简单地设置返回类型 OuterClass,上面的示例将不起作用。在抽象版本上。如果是这样,则每当使用此方法时都必须强制转换任何扩展版本,这并不理想。

删除 <CT> 后,AndroidStudio 也出现错误在<T extends OuterClass<CT>>

The parameter OT is not within it's bound

执行 ClassName extends OuterClass<ClassName> 时,扩展类中会显示此错误。换句话说,仅使用 <T extends OuterClass> 是行不通的。关于抽象类。


类似于之前的 post我所做的展示了一个构建器模式,它使用泛型类型和继承来减少继承情况下的实际代码,这对于非静态类也是可能的。因此,我相应地修改了构建器示例以避免静态内部类:


public abstract class TestParam<Z>
    public abstract class CommonBuilder<T extends CommonBuilder<T>>
        protected final String a;
        protected final String b;
        protected final String c;
        protected Z z = null;

        public CommonBuilder(String a, String b, String c) 
            this.a = a;
            this.b = b;
            this.c = c;

        public T withOptionalZ(Z z)
            this.z = z;
            return (T)this;

        public abstract <T> T build();

    protected String name;
    protected String a;
    protected String b;
    protected String c;
    protected Z z = null;

    protected TestParam() {


    protected TestParam(String name, String a, String b, String c)
    { = name;
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;

    protected TestParam(String name, String a, String b, String c, Z z)
    { = name;
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;
        this.c = c;
        this.z = z;

    public String getA() 
        return a;

    public String getB()
        return b;

    public String getC()
        return c;

    protected abstract String getContent();

    public String toString()
        return name+"[A: " + a + ", B: " + b + ", C: " + c + (z != null ? ", Z: " + z.toString() : "") + getContent() +"]";


@SuppressWarnings({"hiding", "unchecked"})
public class TestParamA<D,E,Z> extends TestParam<Z>
    public class Builder<T extends TestParamA<D,E,Z>, 
                         B extends TestParamA<D,E,Z>.Builder<? extends TestParamA<D,E,Z>, ? extends B, D, E>, 
                 extends TestParam<Z>.CommonBuilder<Builder<TestParamA<D,E,Z>,B, D,E>>
        protected D d;
        protected E e;

        public Builder(String a, String b, String c)
            super(a, b, c);

        public B withD(D d)
            this.d = d;
            return (B)this;

        public B withE(E e)
            this.e = e;
            return (B)this;

        public <T> T build()
            TestParamA<D,E,Z> t = new TestParamA<>("TestParamA", a, b, c, z, d, e);
            return (T)t;

    protected D d;
    protected E e;

    public TestParamA() {

    protected TestParamA(String name, String a, String b, String c, Z z, D d, E e)
        super(name, a, b, c, z);
        this.d = d;
        this.e = e;

    public D getD()
        return d;

    public E getE()
        return e;

    protected String getContent()
        return ", D: " + d + ", E: " + e;


public class Main
    public static void main(String ... args)
        TestParamA<D,E,String> a = new TestParamA<>().new Builder<>("a","b","c").withD(new D()).withE(new E()).build();
        TestParamB<F,G,String> b = new TestParamB<>().new Builder<>("a","b","c").withF(new F()).withG(new G()).withOptionalZ("z").build();
        TestParam<String> c = new TestParamA<>().new Builder<>("a","b","c").withD(new D()).withE(new E()).withOptionalZ("z").build();
        TestParam<?> d = new TestParamB<>().new Builder<>("a","b","c").withF(new F()).withG(new G()).build();


        TestParam<?>.CommonBuilder<? extends TestParam<?>.CommonBuilder<?>> builder = 
            new TestParamA<>().new Builder<>("a", "b", "c").withD(new D()).withE(new E());
        // or a bit shorter
        TestParam<?>.CommonBuilder<?> builder2 = 
            new TestParamB<>().new Builder<>("a", "b", "c").withF(new F()).withG(new G());

    public static void test(TestParamA<?,?,?> testParam)
        System.out.println("Test for ParamA: " + testParam.toString());

    public static void test(TestParamB<?,?,?> testParam)
        System.out.println("Test for ParamB: " + testParam.toString());

    public static void test(TestParam<?> testParam)
        System.out.println("Test for Param: " + testParam.toString());

    public static void test(TestParam<?>.CommonBuilder<?> builder)
        System.out.println("Test for CommonBuilder: " +;

TestParamBTestParamA 相同 - 它仅包含 FG 的变量和构建器方法,而不是 DE。此外,DEFG 只是具有简单 toString() 实现的类,该实现仅返回简单的类名。


Test for ParamA: TestParamA[A: a, B: b, C: c, D: D, E: E]
Test for ParamB: TestParamB[A: a, B: b, C: c, Z: z, F: F, G: G]
Test for Param: TestParamA[A: a, B: b, C: c, Z: z, D: D, E: E]
Test for Param: TestParamB[A: a, B: b, C: c, F: F, G: G]
Test for CommonBuilder: TestParamA[A: a, B: b, C: c, D: D, E: E]
Test for CommonBuilder: TestParamB[A: a, B: b, C: c, F: F, G: G]

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