java - 为什么java.lang.Object中的clone()方法受到保护?

标签 java oop clone

clone()具体原因是什么?在 java.lang.Object 中被定义为 protected?


克隆受到保护的事实非常可疑 - 正如 clone 方法未在 Cloneable 接口(interface)中声明的事实一样。


if(a instanceof Cloneable) {
    copy = ((Cloneable) a).clone();


ISomething i = ...
if (i instanceof Cloneable) {
   //DAMN! I Need to know about ISomethingImpl! Unless...
   copy = (ISomething) i.getClass().getMethod("clone").invoke(i);

Citation From Josh Bloch's Effective Java:
"The Cloneable interface was intended as a mixin interface for objects to advertise that they permit cloning. Unfortunately it fails to serve this purpose ... This is a highly atypical use of interfaces and not one to be emulated ... In order for implementing the interface to have any effect on a class, it and all of its superclasses must obey a fairly complex, unenforceable and largely undocumented protocol"

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