Java:石头、剪刀、布即将完成,但出现 fatal error

标签 java if-statement nested switch-statement

我的任务是创建一个类似于石头、剪刀、布的 Java 程序。我在下面写了我认为可行的内容。然而,只有当用户选择 R 或 r(代表摇滚)时,它才能真正正常工作。如果用户选择 s 或 p(剪刀或布),代码将完全崩溃或给出多个答案。我查看了代码,似乎无法找出它无法正常工作的原因。

此外,任何有关如何更好地编写代码的 switch 部分的建议将不胜感激。我感觉我写的方式不正确。

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Project_2 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        int compVal = (int) (3 * Math.random()) + 1;
        String compActual = "";
        System.out.println("Welcome to Rock, Paper, Scissors!");
        System.out.print("Enter r for rock, p for paper, or s for scissors: ");
        String userOriginal = keyboard.nextLine();
        userOriginal = (userOriginal.toUpperCase());
        switch (userOriginal) {
        case "r":
            userOriginal = userOriginal;
        case "R":
            userOriginal = userOriginal;
        case "p":
            userOriginal = userOriginal;
        case "P":
            userOriginal = userOriginal;
        case "s":
            userOriginal = userOriginal;
        case "S":
            userOriginal = userOriginal;
            System.out.println("Invalid input, please try again!");
            System.exit(1); // This will exit the program if invalid input is
                            // given. The 1 signifies that it ended with an
                            // error.
        if (compVal == 1) {
            compActual = "R";
        } else if (compVal == 2) {
            compActual = "P";
        } else if (compVal == 3) {
            compActual = "S";
        if (compActual.equals(userOriginal)) {
            System.out.println("It was a tie!");
        } else if (compActual.equals("R"))
            if (userOriginal.equals("S")) {
                System.out.println("You played Scissors and I chose Rock: Rock crushes Scissors so I win this time!");
        if (userOriginal.equals("P")) {
            System.out.println("You played Paper and I chose Rock: Paper covers Rock so you win this time!");
        } else if (compActual.equals("S"))
            if (userOriginal.equals("R")) {
                System.out.println("You played Rock and I chose Sciccors: Rock crushes Scissors so you win this time");
        if (userOriginal.equals("P")) {
            System.out.println("You played Paper and I chose Scissors: Paper is cut by Scissors so I win this time!");
        } else if (compActual.equals("P"))
            if (userOriginal.equals("R")) {
                System.out.println("Your played Rock and I chose Paper: Paper covers rock so I win this time!");
        if (userOriginal.equals("S")) {
            System.out.println("You played Scissors and I chose Paper: Scissors cuts Paper so you win this time!");




        int compVal = (int) (3 * Math.random()) + 1;
        int userOriginal = 0;
        String userInput = (keyboard.nextLine().toUpperCase());

        switch (userInput) {
        case "R":
            userOriginal = 1;
        case "P":
            userOriginal = 2;
        case "S":
            userOriginal = 3;
            System.out.println("Invalid input, please try again!");
            System.exit(1); // This will exit the program


        if (compVal == userOriginal) {
            System.out.println("It was a tie!");
        } else
            if (compVal == 1)
                if (userOriginal == 2) {
                    System.out.println("You played Paper and I chose Rock: Paper covers Rock so you win this time!");
                if (userOriginal == 3) {
                    System.out.println("You played Scissors and I chose Rock: Rock crushes Scissors so I win this time!");
            if (compVal == 2)
                if (userOriginal == 1) {
                    System.out.println("Your played Rock and I chose Paper: Paper covers rock so I win this time!");
                if (userOriginal == 3) {
                    System.out.println("You played Scissors and I chose Paper: Scissors cuts Paper so you win this time!");
            if (compVal == 3)
                if (userOriginal == 1) {
                    System.out.println("You played Rock and I chose Sciccors: Rock crushes Scissors so you win this time");
                if (userOriginal == 2) {
                    System.out.println("You played Paper and I chose Scissors: Paper is cut by Scissors so I win this time!");



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