java - Spring Boot 将 JSON 和简单属性传递给相同的映射

标签 java json spring spring-mvc spring-boot

我是 Spring Boot 新手,我希望对 JSON 和简单请求参数有相同的请求映射方法,例如:

@RequestMapping(value = "/start")
public String startPostProcess(@RequestParam(value = "url",
                                    required = false,
                                    defaultValue = "") String url,
                               @RequestParam(value = "word",
                                    required = false,
                                    defaultValue = "Search") String word,
                               @RequestBody String hereGoesJSON) {
             //Do some stuff




@RequestMapping(value = "/start")
    public String startPostProcess(@RequestBody String anyParam) {
//Parse this anyParam

我在 spring 文档中没有找到这个技巧,所以我将不胜感激任何指向它的链接。



我只需要 2 个具有相同映射并显式指定 RequestMethod 类型的方法:

@RequestMapping(value = "/start")
public String startPostProcess(@RequestParam(value = "url",
                                    required = false,
                                    defaultValue = "") String url,
                               @RequestParam(value = "word",
                                    required = false,
                                    defaultValue = "Search") String word) throws InterruptedException {

    //Do some stuff

@RequestMapping(value = "/start", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = "application/json")
public String startJsonProcess(@RequestBody String body) {
   //Do another stuff with RequestBody

UPD:添加了“consumes =”application/json”。它有助于区分简单的POST请求和JSON POST请求。

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