java - 如何在 Spring mvc 中使用新的 httpstatus 代码进行响应

标签 java rest spring-mvc spring-rest

我正在使用 spring MVC 创建 Rest Web 服务。并希望发送 213 代码状态作为响应。但此代码不存在于类 org.springframework.http.HttpStatus 中,并且类 ResponseEntity(T body, HttpStatus statusCode) 接受 HttpStatus 类型。 我们如何发送这个 httpStatus 代码? 这是伪代码:

 public ResponseEntity<?> getEvents() {
   //1. call Service 1
   // 2. use result of service 1 to call service 2

   // 3. use result of service 2 to call service 3

   // 4. create result and map it in DTO object

   if( result of service 1 is empty) return empty result with status 213
   if( result of service 2 is empty) return empty result with status 214

    return new ResponseEntity(result.getBody(), status code) ;;



new ResponseEntity<String>(
    "my body", 
    HttpStatus.I_AM_A_TEAPOT /*status doesn't matter, just has to be anything*/
) {
    public int getStatusCodeValue() {

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