java - 使用 AsynchronousSocketChannel 时出现 ReadPendingException

标签 java multithreading sockets asynchronous

我一直在使用 AsychronousSockets,但在运行大负载时遇到了接收 ReadPendingException 的问题。

一些背景: 我希望客户端异步向服务器发送消息,然后监听响应。

响应可以是 3 种类型之一,并且 AsynchronousSocketChannel 的读取需要预定大小的 ByteBuffer。

因此,我的解决方案是进行两次读取:一次读取首先接收消息类型(作为 4 个字节传入,一个 int),然后另一次读取将构造适当大小的字节缓冲区来处理消息的其余部分。

我认为这里的主要问题在于,当调用CompletetionHandler的complete方法时,并不一定意味着ByteBuffer的读取已完成。为了解决这个问题,我创建了一个 while 循环,它将读取直到 ByteBuffer 已满。

然而,在 while 循环中进行的读取似乎偶尔会与其他读取发生冲突,也就是当我收到 ReadPendingException 时。


AsynchronousChannelGroup mThreadGroup= AsynchronousChannelGroup.withFixedThreadPool(100, Executors.defaultThreadFactory());
AsynchronousSocketChannel channel =;
InetSocketAddress hostAddress = new InetSocketAddress("localhost", 12345);

// Connect to server
channel.connect(hostAddress, null, new CompletionHandler<Void, Void>() {
    public void completed(Void result, Void attachment) {
        // Write some message to server
        ByteBuffer message = ...
        channel.write(message, null, new CompletionHandler<Void, Void>() {

            public void completed(Void result, Void attachment) {
                // Now that we have sent the message, listen for a response type
                ByteBuffer responseType = ...
      , null, new CompletionHandler<Void, Void>() {

                    public void completed(Void result, Void attachment) {
                        // parse response type, do some other stuff...
                        // ...
                        // After other stuff, create new byte buffer for main message
                        ByteBuffer receiveMessage = ...
              , null, new CompletionHandler<Void, Void>() {

                            public void completed(Void result, Void attachment) {
                                // The read may not have been completed, so make sure that it is
                                while (receiveMessage.remaining() > 0) {

                                // Handle receiveMessage...
                            public void failed(Throwable exc, Void attachment) {}
                    public void failed(Throwable exc, Void attachment) {}

            public void failed(Throwable exc, Void attachment) {}

    public void failed(Throwable exc, Void attachment) {}


  1. 有没有办法让代码(如上所示)正常工作(也称为不再接收 ReadPendingException)?

  2. 是否有更好的方法来设置相同的功能?




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