java - Dagger 2错误: cannot be provided without an @inject constructor or from an @provides-annotated method

标签 java android dagger dagger-2

我对 dagger2 完全陌生,希望能帮助我:)

我正在实现一个小型演示,但出现以下错误: 错误:(20, 10) 错误:如果没有 @Inject 构建器或 @ 或 @ Produces Provides-- 带注释的方法,则无法提供。 com.edwin.dagger1.MainActivity.connectivityManager [注入(inject)字段类型]

public class Dagger2Application extends Application {

    private SystemComponent systemComponent;

    public void onCreate() {
        systemComponent = DaggerSystemComponent.builder()
                .systemModule(new SystemModule(this))

    public SystemComponent getSystemComponent() {
        return systemComponent;
public class SystemModule {
    private final Application application;

    public SystemModule(Application application) {
        this.application = application;

    public Context provideContext(){
        return application;
@Component(modules = SystemModule.class)
public interface SystemComponent {
    void inject(MainActivity activity);

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    ConnectivityManager connectivityManager;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        Dagger2Application dagger2Application=(Dagger2Application)getApplication();

        boolean activeNetworkMetered = connectivityManager.isActiveNetworkMetered();
        Log.d("Network is metered? " , activeNetworkMetered+"");


问题在于注入(inject) ConnectivityManager 类。我修改了一些代码。请看一下,希望对您有帮助

public interface IConnectivityManager {
    boolean getActiveNetworkMetered();

public class IConnectivityManagerImpl implements IConnectivityManager {

    private Context context;

    public IConnectivityManagerImpl(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public boolean getActiveNetworkMetered() {
        ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);
        return connectivityManager.isActiveNetworkMetered();


    IConnectivityManager connectivityManager;
 boolean activeNetworkMetered = connectivityManagers.getActiveNetworkMetered();
        Log.d("Network is metered? " , activeNetworkMetered+"");


    public IConnectivityManager provideConnectivity(Context context){
        return new IConnectivityManagerImpl(context);

关于java - Dagger 2错误: cannot be provided without an @inject constructor or from an @provides-annotated method,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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