java - 创建 TypeVariable 实例

标签 java reflection type-variables

official documentation TypeVariable 确实令人困惑,首先它指定:

A type variable is created the first time it is needed by a reflective method

Repeated creation of a type variable has no effect

所以我的理解是,只有一个 TypeVariable 实例在运行时表示类型变量,例如:

class A<T> {}

我们将拥有一个在运行时代表 T类型变量实例。


Multiple objects may be instantiated at run-time to represent a given type variable. Even though a type variable is created only once, this does not imply any requirement to cache instances representing the type variable. However, all instances representing a type variable must be equal() to each other


  1. 创建类型变量(我不明白)
  2. 代表类型变量的多个实例的实例化




class Ideone<T> {
  List<T> getList() { ... }

这就是说代表 <T> 的类型变量关于类(class)和<T>方法上的不一定是同一个实例:

TypeVariable onClass = Ideone.class.getTypeParameters()[0];
TypeVariable onMethod = Ideone.class.getDeclaredMethod("getList").getReturnType().getTypeParameters()[0];

System.out.println(onClass == onMethod);

打印 false ,即使它们代表相同类型的变量。

Ideone demo

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