java - 如何使用java在电子邮件正文中发送动态html表

标签 java html

我有一个类 callProcedure,它有方法 getProductwiseCount。

通过 callprocedure 类,我正在调用另一个类的 sendMail 方法。我想从 html 中的 hashmap 的键和值对生成动态表,并将其附加在邮件中。我该怎么做?

public HashMap<Long, String> getProductwiseCount() {
        return ProductwiseCount;


I did it by pre-generating html in callProcedure class. Save it in to String and passed it in a sendEmail method.

  String text=
         "<table width='100%' border='1' align='center'>"
                + "<tr align='center'>"
                + "<td><b>Product Name <b></td>"
                + "<td><b>Count<b></td>"
                + "</tr>";

    for (Map.Entry entry : ProductwiseCount.entrySet()) {
                    System.out.println(entry.getKey() + " :" + entry.getValue());
                    text=text+"<tr align='center'>"+"<td>" + entry.getValue() + "</td>"
                                + "<td>" + entry.getKey() + "</td>"+"</tr>";


 sendMail.sendMail(host, port, to, from,text);

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