java - 如何为对象分配特定的 int 值?

标签 java arrays swing jpanel

我目前正在尝试制作一款深受“冒险资本主义”启发的游戏,作为 Java 的学校项目。我创建了一个保存值(临时的,会更改)的数组,当我按下按钮(upgradeButton)时,我想要一个数组/for来搜索数组的正确位置到对象的正确位置。

例如,5 个对象中的第 3 个从 15 美元(起始值)升级到 20 美元。我已经尝试过,但似乎没有任何效果,我对 Java 相当陌生,于 2016 年 9 月开始使用 java。这是我的代码,请询问有关它的任何内容,它有点困惑,但一旦我让一切正常工作我就会清理它:) ATM 我只使用 1 个对象只是为了让它工作,但稍后我会用列表等重写。


public class Investments {
public int x, y, bX, bY, bWidth, bHeight, width, height, yLoad, money;
int worth[] = { 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80};
float Loading;

//String path;

//boolean ifAdd = false;

GamePanel gp;
Image invest;
ImageIcon investImage = new ImageIcon("images/image.png");

public Investments(int x, int y, int worth, float Loading) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.Loading = Loading;
    width = 64;
    height = 64;
    yLoad = 0;
    bX = x + 75;
    bY = y + 30;
    bWidth = 60;
    bHeight = 20;


    public GamePanel() {
    if (isRunning)

    //invest = createInvestList(8);
    invest = new Investments(30, 30, 20, 1f);
    moneyButton = new JButton("$$$"); moneyButton.setBounds(175, 61, 55, 20); add(moneyButton); moneyButton.addActionListener(this);
    upgradeButton = new JButton("^"); upgradeButton.setBounds(175, 37, 55, 20); add(upgradeButton); upgradeButton.addActionListener(this);


    thread = new Thread(this);


        if(ae.getSource() == upgradeButton){
        //what to do here? perhaps a for loop that scans the array and then attach it to the specific object? 

代码很乱,是的。如前所述,将进行清理,如果难以阅读/理解,请抱歉。正如我也提到的,今年 9 月开始使用 java,有点新,我需要一些帮助,如何获得正确的对象的正确“值(value)”。(worth[i] = object[3] 等)


How do I asign a object with specific int value?


ArrayList<Investment> myInvestments = new ArrayList<Investment>();

myInvestments.add(/*write your investment object here*/);

myInvestments.get(2);             //get 3rd investment object 

myInvestments.get(2).upgrade();   //upgrade the 3rd investment object in the list


Investment[] myInvestments = new Investment[20];

myInvestments[0] = new Investment();  //assign investment object to your array

myInvestments[2];                     //get 3rd investment object 

myInvestments[2].upgrade();            //upgrade the 3rd investment object in the array

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