java - 在二叉树中最大和路径的解决方案中查找错误

标签 java dynamic binary-tree






  / \
 2   3

返回 6。

我最初的解决方案是:在 LeetCode 上通过了 90/92 的测试用例

public class Solution {

    int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;//This is to handle the scenario where the value of all nodes is negative

    public int maxPathSum(TreeNode a) {

        if(a == null){
            return 0;

        int sum = maxSum(a);

        return max > sum ? max : sum;

    public int maxSum(TreeNode node){

        if(node == null){
            return 0;

        //handling the scenario where sum of any path is not greater than the value of single node
        if(node.val > max){
            max = node.val;

        int leftChildSum = maxSum(node.left);

        //path from current node to left child is maximum
        if(node.val + leftChildSum > max){
            max = node.val + leftChildSum;

        int rightChildSum = maxSum(node.right);

        //path from current node to right child is maximum
        if(node.val + rightChildSum > max){
            max = node.val + rightChildSum;

        ////path from left child to right child via current node is maximum
        if(node.val + leftChildSum + rightChildSum > max){
            max = node.val + leftChildSum + rightChildSum;

        return Math.max(node.val + leftChildSum, node.val + rightChildSum);

考虑一个场景,其中节点具有正值,并且其 leftChildSumrightChildSum 均为负值。在这种情况下,应该返回节点的值。

修改后的解决方案:在 LeetCode 上通过了 63/92 个测试用例

public class Solution {

    int max = Integer.MIN_VALUE;//This is to handle the scenario where the value of all nodes is negative

    public int maxPathSum(TreeNode a) {

        if(a == null){
            return 0;

        int sum = maxSum(a);

        return max > sum ? max : sum;

    public int maxSum(TreeNode node){

        if(node == null){
            return 0;

        //handling the scenario where sum of any path is not greater than the value of single node
        if(node.val > max){
            max = node.val;

        int leftChildSum = maxSum(node.left);

        //path from current node to left child is maximum
        if(node.val + leftChildSum > max){
            max = node.val + leftChildSum;

        int rightChildSum = maxSum(node.right);

        //path from current node to right child is maximum
        if(node.val + rightChildSum > max){
            max = node.val + rightChildSum;

        ////path from left child to right child via current node is maximum
        if(node.val + leftChildSum + rightChildSum > max){
            max = node.val + leftChildSum + rightChildSum;

        //Changes are below
        int temp = node.val;
        int value = Math.max(temp, node.val + leftChildSum);
        value = Math.max(temp, node.val + rightChildSum);
        return value;






int value = Math.max(temp, node.val + leftChildSum);

value = Math.max(temp, node.val + rightChildSum);


int value = Math.max(temp, node.val + leftChildSum);

value = Math.max(value, node.val + rightChildSum);

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