java - 无法启动在 powerShell 中使用 Procrun 创建的 Windows 服务

标签 java windows powershell procrun

我使用 Procrun 创建了一个 java 应用程序(.jar)作为 Windows 服务。当我使用批处理(.bat)文件时,此服务已安装并成功运行。但我有使用 Windows powerShell 创建相同服务的要求。

当我使用 PowerShell 时,服务已安装,但无法启动该服务我在 Windows 事件查看器中检查,它显示为“不正确的功能”任何人都可以告诉我这可能是什么原因。

这是我在 PowerShell 脚本中用于安装 Windows 服务的字符串




这是我使用的 PowerShell 脚本。

  #region Parameters
   [string]$Description="ESL Service"

#region Main



$DAEMON_HOME         = "C:\imagotag\server"
$DAEMON              = "$DAEMON_HOME\prunsrv_64.exe"                                               
$ESL_HOME            = "C:\imagotag\server"  


$CmdArgsDict.Add('//IS',      "$Action$ServiceName $CmdInstall")

$CmdArgs             = $CmdArgsDict[$action]
# Convert backslashes in the paths to java-friendly forward slashes
$CmdArgs             = $CmdArgs -replace "\\","/"
# Variable interpolation: expand embedded variables references (need to call this twice)
$CmdArgs             = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($CmdArgs)
$CmdArgs             = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.ExpandString($CmdArgs)
# Split on newlines to convert to an array of lines
$CmdArgsString       = $CmdArgs -split "`n"
# Convert array of lines into a string
$CmdArgsString       = "$CmdArgsString"

#--- Execute the command
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(
    "`n$DAEMON`n$CmdArgs","Manage ESL Service"
   "$DAEMON $CmdArgsString"

   $p=Start-Process "$DAEMON" `
         -ArgumentList "$CmdArgsString" `
         -Wait `
         -NoNewWindow `

   $rc = $p.ExitCode
   "`nExit Code: $rc"

我的 PowerShell 脚本是 TestPS.ps1,我像这样执行脚本

.\TestPS.ps1 //IS


要创建服务,请在 PS 中使用以下 cmdlet:

$username = "Username"
$password = "password"
$secstr = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString
$password.ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {$secstr.AppendChar($_)}
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $username, $secstr

new-service -Name [INSERT SERVICE NAME] -DisplayName "[INSERT DISPLAY NAME]" -Description "[INSERT DESCRIPTION]" -BinaryPathName "[INSERT BINARY PATH]" -StartupType Manual -Credential $cred


function Install-Service(
    [string]$serviceName = $(throw "serviceName is required"), 
    [string]$targetServer = $(throw "targetServer is required"),
    [string]$displayName = $(throw "displayName is required"),
    [string]$physicalPath = $(throw "physicalPath is required"),
    [string]$userName = $(throw "userName is required"),
    [string]$password = "",
    [string]$startMode = "Automatic",
    [string]$description = "",
    [bool]$interactWithDesktop = $false
    # can't use installutil; only for installing services locally
    #[wmiclass]"Win32_Service" | Get-Member -memberType Method | format-list -property:*    
    #[wmiclass]"Win32_Service"::Create( ... )        

    # todo: cleanup this section 
    $serviceType = 16          # OwnProcess
    $serviceErrorControl = 1   # UserNotified
    $loadOrderGroup = $null
    $loadOrderGroupDepend = $null
    $dependencies = $null

    # description?
    $params = `
        $serviceName, `
        $displayName, `
        $physicalPath, `
        $serviceType, `
        $serviceErrorControl, `
        $startMode, `
        $interactWithDesktop, `
        $userName, `
        $password, `
        $loadOrderGroup, `
        $loadOrderGroupDepend, `
        $dependencies `

    $scope = new-object System.Management.ManagementScope("\\$targetServer\root\cimv2", `
        (new-object System.Management.ConnectionOptions))
    "Connecting to $targetServer"
    $mgt = new-object System.Management.ManagementClass($scope, `
        (new-object System.Management.ManagementPath("Win32_Service")), `
        (new-object System.Management.ObjectGetOptions))

    $op = "service $serviceName ($physicalPath) on $targetServer"    
    "Installing $op"
    $result = $mgt.InvokeMethod("Create", $params)    
    Test-ServiceResult -operation "Install $op" -result $result
    "Installed $op"

    "Setting $serviceName description to '$description'"
    Set-Service -ComputerName $targetServer -Name $serviceName -Description $description
    "Service install complete"

这是Guide to Install Windows Service Remotely



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