java - 启用/禁用 NTAG213 计数器

标签 java android nfc mifare open-nfc

    MifareUltralight mifareUltralight = MifareUltralight.get(tag);
    byte[] toggleCounterCommand = new byte[]{(byte)0xA2, // NTAG213 command to write
                                    (byte)0x2A,  // page 42(dec) 2A(hex)    
                                     (byte)___};// not sure what to put here. 


第 0 个字节的结构如下:

 7       6         5        *4*            3          2  1  0

将第 4 位设置为 0 或 1 应启用或禁用计数器。但我不确定在标签上书写时如何设置第四位。


future 任何人的背景:

NTAG21x features a NFC counter function. This function enables NTAG21x to automatically increase the 24 bit counter value, triggered by the first valid

  • READ command or
  • FAST-READ command

after the NTAG21x tag is powered by an RF field. Once the NFC counter has reached the maximum value of FF FF FF hex, the NFC counter value will not change any more. The NFC counter is enabled or disabled with the NFC_CNT_EN bit (see Section 8.5.7)

我的理解是,您在写入标签时处于正确的轨道上,您希望使用 transceive 方法来更新该位,但您不确定要写入哪些数据才能实现此目的。请注意,MifraUltralight.transceieve(byte[]) 相当于通过 NfcA 连接到此标签并调用 transceive(byte[])

需要注意的重要一点是“应用程序只能发送完整字节的命令”(来自 Android docs ),因此我们必须更新整个字节。但是,我们想要写入标签,该标签仅支持 4 字节(1 页)的有效负载,因此我们将重写整个页面。


  1. 读取第 42 页,将字节复制到缓冲区
  2. 将这些复制的字节写入第 42 页,但首先更新计数器位

执行第 1 步:

NfcA transaction = NfcA.get(tag);
transaction.connect(); // error handle
byte cmdRead = (byte)0x30;
byte page = (byte)(0x42 & 0xff); // AND to make sure it is the correct size
byte[] command = new byte[] {cmdRead, page};
byte[] page42 = nfcAtransaction.transceive(command); // error handle

byte mask = 0b00010000; // 3rd bit, or should it be 4th?
byte newData = page42[0] | mask; 

执行步骤 2:

byte cmdWrite = (byte)0xA2;
byte page = (byte)(42 & 0xff);
byte[] command = new byte[] { cmdWrite, page, newData, page42[1], page42[2], page42[3]};
byte[] result = nfcA.transceive(command); 


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