java - Spring Data Rest - Bean 验证未应用于 PUT 方法?

标签 java spring rest spring-boot spring-data-rest


public class City {

    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id")
    private long cityID;

    @NotBlank(message = "City name is a required field")
    private String cityName;


当我发布到没有 cityName 的端点 http://localhost:8080/cities 时,我得到一个 ConstraintViolationException,但是当我向没有 cityName 的端点 http://localhost:8080/cities/1 发送 PUT 请求时,我得到以下异常,而不是 ConstraintViolationException。

  "timestamp": 1494510208982,
  "status": 500,
  "error": "Internal Server Error",
  "exception": "org.springframework.transaction.TransactionSystemException",
  "message": "Could not commit JPA transaction; nested exception is javax.persistence.RollbackException: Error while committing the transaction",
  "path": "/cities/1"

那么如何获取 PUT 请求的 ConstraintViolationException 异常?

注意:我正在使用 Spring Data Rest,因此端点是由 Spring 生成的。没有自定义休息 Controller 。


我认为 Cepr0 的测试适用于 PUT 和 POST,因为当您向不存在的实体发送 PUT 请求时,Spring Data Rest 会在后台使用 create 方法。 假设没有 id=100 的用户: 调用“PUT users/100”与调用“POST users/”相同

当您为现有实体发送 PUT 时,它将生成令人讨厌的 TransactionSystemException。

我现在也在与 Data Rest 异常处理作斗争,其中存在很多不一致之处。

这是我当前的 RestErrorAttributes 类,它解决了我的大部分问题,但在接下来的几天里我很有可能会喜欢其他类。 :)

public class RestErrorAttributes extends DefaultErrorAttributes implements MessageSourceAware {

private MessageSource messageSource;

public void setMessageSource(MessageSource messageSource) {
    this.messageSource = messageSource;

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public Map<String, Object> getErrorAttributes(RequestAttributes requestAttributes, boolean includeStackTrace) {

    final Map<String, Object> errorAttributes = super.getErrorAttributes(requestAttributes, includeStackTrace);
    // Translate default message by Locale
    String message = errorAttributes.get("message").toString();
            messageSource.getMessage(message, null, message, LocaleContextHolder.getLocale()));
    // Extend default error message by field-errors
    addConstraintViolationDetails(errorAttributes, requestAttributes);
    return errorAttributes;

private void addConstraintViolationDetails(Map<String, Object> errorAttributes,
        RequestAttributes requestAttributes) {
    Throwable error = getError(requestAttributes);
    if (error instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
                RestFieldError.getErrors(((ConstraintViolationException) error).getConstraintViolations()));
    else if (error instanceof RepositoryConstraintViolationException) {
        errorAttributes.put("errors", RestFieldError
                .getErrors(((RepositoryConstraintViolationException) error).getErrors().getAllErrors()));

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public ModelAndView resolveException(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler,
        Exception ex) {

    try {
        Throwable cause = ex;
        while (cause instanceof Exception) {
            // Handle AccessDeniedException - It cannot be handled by
            // ExceptionHandler
            if (cause instanceof AccessDeniedException) {
                response.sendError(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN.value(), cause.getMessage());
                super.resolveException(request, response, handler, (Exception) cause);
                return new ModelAndView();
            // Handle exceptions from javax validations
            if (cause instanceof ConstraintViolationException) {
                response.sendError(HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.value(), "validation.error");
                super.resolveException(request, response, handler, (Exception) cause);
                return new ModelAndView();
            // Handle exceptions from REST validator classes
            if (cause instanceof RepositoryConstraintViolationException) {
                response.sendError(HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.value(), "validation.error");
                super.resolveException(request, response, handler, (Exception) cause);
                return new ModelAndView();
            cause = ((Exception) cause).getCause();
    } catch (final Exception handlerException) {
        log.warn("Handling of [" + ex.getClass().getName() + "] resulted in Exception", handlerException);
    return super.resolveException(request, response, handler, ex);

public static class RestFieldError {
    private String field;
    private String code;
    private String message;

    public static List<RestFieldError> getErrors(Set<ConstraintViolation<?>> constraintViolations) {

    public static List<RestFieldError> getErrors(List<ObjectError> errors) {

    private static RestFieldError of(ConstraintViolation<?> constraintViolation) {
        return new RestFieldError(constraintViolation.getPropertyPath().toString(),
                constraintViolation.getMessageTemplate(), constraintViolation.getMessage());


    private static RestFieldError of(ObjectError error) {

        return new RestFieldError(error instanceof FieldError ? ((FieldError) error).getField() : null,
                error.getCode(), error.getDefaultMessage());



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