java - disposeWhenFinished() 导致 API 21 崩溃

标签 java android in-app-purchase

以下 onDestroy 方法使我的应用程序在 API 21 上运行时崩溃(例如,当我旋转屏幕时):

protected void onDestroy() {
    if (mHelper != null) {
        mHelper = null;

该方法来自 Google 在其应用内结算教程中提供的 IabHelper 类。

 * Disposes of object, releasing resources. If there is an in-progress async operation, this
 * method will queue the dispose to occur after the operation has finished.
public void disposeWhenFinished() {
    synchronized (mAsyncInProgressLock) {
        if (mAsyncInProgress) {
            logDebug("Will dispose after async operation finishes.");
            mDisposeAfterAsync = true;
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (IabAsyncInProgressException e) {
                // Should never be thrown, because we call dispose() only after checking that
                // there's not already an async operation in progress.


 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to destroy activity {package name}: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: packagename.util.IabHelper$1@3bf48617



您需要在 onDestroy() super 调用之前或 onPause() 中的某个位置释放 IabHelper,以确保您的 Activity 将使用 isFinishing() 方法完成,因为无法保证 onDestroy() super 调用之后的代码将被执行。

应在 Activity 上下文与播放计费服务解除绑定(bind)之前完成处置。您收到该消息是因为当您的应用程序释放了服务连接时,您可能会遇到这种情况。

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