java - 如何在 spring 中将模型作为重定向属性传递

标签 java spring spring-mvc

redirectModel.addAttribute("Model", model);
return REDIRECT_PREFIX + "../../my-company/organization-management/manage-users";

当我通过这个时,我得到转换异常:无法转换 list<?>string


i) 将RedirectAttributesredirectAttributes添加到第一个 Controller 中的方法参数列表

public String test(
                @ModelAttribute("userModel") final Object UserModel,
                final BindingResult bindingResult,
                final Model model, 
                final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes)
    ii) Inside the method added code to add flash attribute to redirectAttributes 
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("userModel", mapping1FormObject);

iii) 然后,在第二个 Controller 中使用@ModelAttribute注释的方法参数来访问重定向属性

@ModelAttribute("userModel") final Object userModel

最后你的两个 Controller 方法如下所示: // Controller 1

@RequestMapping(value = { "/page1" }, method = RequestMethod.POST)
        public String test1(
                @ModelAttribute("userModel") final Object userModel,
                final BindingResult bindingResult,
                final Model model, 
                final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {

            redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("userModel", mapping1FormObject);

            return "redirect:page2";

@RequestMapping(value = "/page2", method = RequestMethod.GET)
        public String test2(
                @ModelAttribute("userModel") final Object userModel,
                final BindingResult bindingResult,
                final Model model) {

            return "new/view";  

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