java - 创建 Xmpp 连接并传递实例而无需重新创建的最佳方法

标签 java android android-studio xmpp xmppframework

我有一个名为 XmppChatManager 的类(class)其中具有所有必要的方法,例如 initializingConnection()sendOneToOneMessage() ,其他需要使用这个类的类需要做这样的事情:

XmppChatManager xmppchatmanager = new XmppChatManager(this, userId, password);

runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    Thread thread = new Thread(){
                        public void run(){
                            try {
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                            } catch (XMPPException e) {
                            } catch (SmackException e) {

This is pretty much all I need to get started, the issue i'm having is when I try calling the sendOneToOneMessage() method from the chatClass, I have to get the instance of the created connection because Smack Error will occur if I try reconnecting when the connection is already initiated! So I need to make available the instance of that initiated connection by creating a method called getInstance() I guess this might be simple but I have tried but I'm not getting it. Any one with better way of handling such?



public class XmppChatManager{
   static class Loader{
        static XmppChatManager sInstance = new XmppChatManaget();

   public static XmppChatManager getInstance(){
        return Loader.sInstance;

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