java - 从导航 View (抽屉)动态检索对象 android/java

标签 java android object drawer navigationview

我再次陷入编码困境,从无所不知的 StackOverflow 社区寻求知识...... 我的问题很简单。我已经用对象填充了导航 View 抽屉。这些对象的 toString() 方法已被覆盖,以在列表中显示每个对象自己的名称。单击抽屉列表中的每个对象都会显示一条警报消息,其中应显示(“您单击了”+ myDrawerObject.getName())问题出在 onNavigationItemSelected 监听器中。 此方法返回一个 MenuItem 项目,它是一个 View 。我无法理解为什么我不能像对待它应该包含的对象一样对待这个 View 。非常感谢您的帮助,并提前致谢!

我知道 item 参数返回已单击的菜单项,但如果菜单项是一个对象,为什么我不能调用这些对象的方法? 我尝试获取项目返回值并调用其 getName() 方法,但无济于事。 item.getName(); (我知道该项目是一个 View ,因此它没有“getName()”方法

我尝试将项目值转换回对象,但无济于事 MyObject myObject = (MyObject)项目; //Item 仍然是一个 View ,并且 View 似乎无法转换为对象

我什至尝试将所有创建的 MyObject 类型的对象放入静态 arrayList 中,然后尝试匹配 id 也无济于事。 //在onNavigationItemSelected监听器中 int id = item.getItemId()

//somewhere else in the code
 for (anotherMyObject : listOfEveryMyObjectEverMade){
/*returns the id of the item in the listview. as i understand a specific id 
is assigned to every item in the list. so if an object has never been in that 
particular list, it wont have that same id

我必须添加抽屉的内容(字符串列表)是动态创建的,因此菜单或 menItems 没有 xml 文件!



我几乎 90% 确信一定有出路......


private void setMenus() {
    int temp = 0;
  //Mine was inside of a fragment, hints the getActivity() call
    NavigationView navView22 = getActivity().findViewById(;
    MenuItem oneItem = navView22.getMenu().findItem(0);
        if (oneItem == null){
        Menu m = navView22.getMenu();
        SubMenu sm0 = m.addSubMenu(
                temp, temp, getResources().getString(R.string.signAllString));
  /*I had to create the entire menu dynamically, so I did so by creating 
  subMenus in my menus in numerical order
  I then created an arraylist to hold all my objects in that same order
  though in retrospect I should have just used a HashMap!!
  finally in the onClick I was able to listen for which subMenu item was clicked
   and since the menu's and my arraylist of objects corresponded I then pulled 
  the correct object from my arraylist. I realize this is a little hacky, but 
  hopefully if you do not find the answer you can do this temporarily.
  If you do find a better solution please post so we all can learn. Thank YOU!!

*/ 温度++;

        SubMenu sm1 = m.addSubMenu(
        for (int x = 0; x < round1.size(); x++) {
            sm1.add(0, temp, temp, round1.get(x).toString());

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