java - 使用流 API 将 arraylist 添加到 arraylist

标签 java collections stream


List<Entity> method (String s){
    return list;

如何使用流API从列表集合中收集列表? (类似于 newList.addAll(list);

List<String> stringList = someGenerateStrings();

List<Entity> newList =


首先,您需要将列表流展平为列表元素流。您可以使用Stream's flatMap method :

Returns a stream consisting of the results of replacing each element of this stream with the contents of a mapped stream produced by applying the provided mapping function to each element.

这基本上将元素从您创建的内部 Stream 中取出并放入主 Stream 中。

.flatMap(p -> method(p).stream())



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