java - 如何使用 jpa 存储库获取多个平均值(spring boot)

标签 java spring spring-boot spring-data-jpa

基于线程:Spring Data JPA - Custom Query with multiple aggregate functions in result

我的 jpa 存储库中有此查询

@Query("SELECT new, AVG(a.initialEFSL), AVG(a.finalEFSL), AVG(a.entitySettlement)) FROM AveragesModel AS a WHERE groupName = :groupName AND idRemote = :idRemote")
    public AverajesPojo getLastSurveyAverages(@Param("groupName") String groupName, @Param("idRemote") Long idRemote);

在我的 pojo 构造函数中是:

public AverajesPojo(Float initial, Float initialEFSL, Float entitySettlement, Float finalEFSL) {
    this.initial = initial;
    this.initialEFSL = initialEFSL;
    this.entitySettlement = entitySettlement;
    this.finalEFSL = finalEFSL;


Error creating bean with name 'averagesRepository': Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Validation failed for query for method public abstract,java.lang.Long)!



请在您的 DTO 结构中使用 double 而不是 float,如果您想从 DTO 返回 float,那么您可以在您的结构中管理它。

The AVG function takes a state field path expression as an argument and calculates the average value of the sate field over the group. The state field must be numeric, and the result is returnd as a Double.

public class AveragesPojo {
    private double initial;
    private double initialEFSL;
    private double entitySettlement;
    private double finalEFSL;

    public AveragesPojo(double initial, double initialEFSL, double entitySettlement, double finalEFSL) {
        this.initial = initial;
        this.initialEFSL = initialEFSL;
        this.entitySettlement = entitySettlement;
        this.finalEFSL = finalEFSL;


还请使用a.groupNamea.idRemote,并且返回类型应与构造相同,因为它们将返回相同的类型值,但它们将根据您的查询参数而定。所以让它们喜欢你的结构。 entitySettlementfinalEFSL:

@Query("SELECT new, AVG(a.initialEFSL), AVG(a.entitySettlement), AVG(a.finalEFSL )) FROM AveragesModel AS a WHERE a.groupName = :groupName AND a.idRemote = :idRemote")
public AverajesPojo getLastSurveyAverages(@Param("groupName") String groupName, @Param("idRemote") Long idRemote);

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