java - 几天后正在寻求效率建议

标签 java

我刚学习 Java(我的第一语言)几天,我只是想知道是否有更有效的方法来编写此代码?

该程序的主要目标是计算某人的 BMI。



    import java.util.Scanner; //importing the java library utilities to use the scan functions

        public class Bmi0 //declaring my intitial class and making it a public class
            public static void main(String[] args) //my main method 
                Scanner input = new Scanner(; // starts the scanner utility to take input fromm the command line

                float height; //declaring a variable
                float weight; //declaring a variable
                float bmi; //declaring a variable
                String option; //declaring a variable
                String name; //declaration of a variable called name of type string

                System.out.printf("%nWhat is your name? ");//prompts the user for their name
                name = input.nextLine(); //reads the users input and saves it to the variable name

                System.out.printf("%nHi %s, Let's calculate you BMI %n" , name); //displays what the user 
                //typed using a %s as the place holder for the value that is in the name variable

                System.out.printf("%nUse Imperial or Metric? (Format: I or M) "); //printing to the command window and asking for input
                option = input.nextLine(); //placing the user input into the height variable

                if (option.equals ("M")) //if option is M for metric do the following

                System.out.printf("%nWhat is your height in Meters? "); //printing to the command window and asking for input
                height = input.nextFloat(); //placing the user input into the height variable

                System.out.print("What is your weight in Kilos? "); //printing to the command window and asking for input
                weight = input.nextFloat(); //placing the user input into the weight variable

                bmi = (weight / (height * height)); //calculates  the conversion and stores it in the variable

                System.out.printf("%nOk %s, your BMI is: %.2f%n%n" , name, bmi); //displays the answer to 2 decimal places
                System.out.printf("BMI Categories:%n Underweight = <18.5 %n Normal weight = 18.5 - 24.9 %n Overweight = 25 - 29.9 %n Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater %n%n%n");

                else if (option.equals ("I")) //if the imperial option is chosen

                System.out.printf("%nWhat is your height in Inches? "); //printing to the command window and asking for input
                height = input.nextFloat(); //placing the user input into the height variable

                System.out.printf("What is your weight in Pounds? "); //printing to the command window and asking for input
                weight = input.nextFloat(); //placing the user input into the weight variable

                bmi = (weight / (height * height) * 703) ; //calculates  the conversion and stores it in the variable

                System.out.printf("%nOk %s, your BMI is: %.2f%n%n" , name, bmi); //displays the answer to 2 decimal places
                System.out.printf("BMI Categories:%n Underweight = <18.5 %n Normal weight = 18.5 - 24.9 %n Overweight = 25 - 29.9 %n Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater %n%n%n");

                } //end of the method
    }//end of the class



  • 评论太多。 //导入java库实用程序以使用扫描功能 ...这并没有告诉读者任何import java.util.Scanner尚未透露的信息。代码中太多信息会适得其反。它使读者将时间和精力浪费在无关紧要的细节上。相反:以明确意图的方式编写代码,不需要大量注释。
  • 格式:遵循标准 Java 编码风格指南。例如:将开头 { 保留在 if 条件行上。不要不要在大括号后添加另一个空行。相反,用 2 或 4 个空格缩进新 block 。目前一种非常著名的方法是 google 中的方法。 .


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