javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException : Property 'Order' not found on type mine. 域.OrderHistory

标签 java jsp exception properties

我正在使用 jaxb 将 xml 转换为 java beans。我有 orderhistory 类,其中包含订单列表。我正在 jsp 中获取 bean,但是当我尝试使用时, <c:forEach items="${OrderHistory.Order}" var="orderInfo">我得到javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'Order' not found on type mine.domain.OrderHistory这是我的,

    @XmlType(name = "", propOrder = {
    @XmlRootElement(name = "OrderHistory")
    public class OrderHistory
    implements Serializable

private final static long serialVersionUID = -6026937020915831338L;

protected int totalPages;
@XmlElement(nillable = true)
protected List<Order> order;

public List<Order> getOrder() {
    if (order == null) {
        order = new ArrayList<Order>();
    return this.order;

   OrderHistory oh = // i am populating it here 
   TypedProperty responseProperties = new TypedProperty();

我能够看到 java 端的 orderhistory bean 中填充的订单列表,但我无法在 jsp 上访问它。我究竟做错了什么???


您的属性名称是 order,而不是 Order。

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