java - 设置 mime 类型

标签 java playframework playframework-1.x

我想编写一个 Excel 并将其作为使用 Play framework 1.x 的应用程序中的响应发送给用户。但我不确定如何设置响应content-type/MIME-type以返回doc或excel文件。

让我知 Prop 体步骤。


来自the documentation :

To serve binary data, such as a file stored on the server, use the renderBinary method. For example, if you have a User model with a play.db.jpa.Blob photo property, add a controller method to load the model object and render the image with the stored MIME type:

public static void userPhoto(long id) { 
    final User user = User.findById(id); 
    response.setContentTypeIfNotSet(; binaryData =;

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