java - 使用synchronized时,Java如何确定哪个线程应该继续执行?

标签 java multithreading concurrency synchronization queue

private static void WaitInQueue(Customer c)
       //Do some operation here.


我需要让线程在继续之前等待(一次只有一个),但是,synchronized 似乎没有使用 FIFO 来确定接下来应该继续哪个线程。(看起来像 LIFO)这是为什么?



同步块(synchronized block)不保证公平性 - 理论上可以选择任何等待线程来执行。如果您确实想要公平锁(fifo),请改用 java 5+ 中引入的较新的锁定机制。 例如,参见 documentation for ReentrantLock 。 以下是使用公平锁的方法:

private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(true); //fair lock
   // ...

   public void m() {
     lock.lock();  // block until condition holds
     try {
       // ... method body
     } finally {

但请注意,这会导致整体性能下降,因此不建议这样做。 引用自文档”

The constructor for this class accepts an optional fairness parameter. When set true, under contention, locks favor granting access to the longest-waiting thread. Otherwise this lock does not guarantee any particular access order. Programs using fair locks accessed by many threads may display lower overall throughput (i.e., are slower; often much slower) than those using the default setting

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