java - 将字符串识别为输入,如果不是整数则抛出异常

标签 java custom-exceptions

我是java新手,正在尝试做这个程序。基本上输入3个数字,它就会计算出立方体的体积。如果输入负数,则会抛出异常,当输入数量超过 3 个时也会抛出异常。如果输入不是数字,我也希望它抛出异常,但我不知道如何将输入存储在变量中,然后检查它是否是字符串并最终抛出异常。有什么建议么?这是我的代码

     public class CubeVolume
       public static void main(String [] args)
           // try if there is more than 3 arguments 
           int width = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
           int depth = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
           int hight = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
           if (args.length > 3)
           throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
                 ("You have supplied " + args.length + " arguments!");

          // try if there is less than 3 arguments
          if (args.length < 3)
          throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
              ("You have supplied " + args.length + " arguments!");                    

          // checks if the width entered is equal or less than 0
          if (width <= 0)
          throw new NumberFormatException
              ("The argument " + width + " is a negative number!");

          // checks if the depth entered is equal or less than 0
          if (depth <= 0)
          throw new NumberFormatException
              ("The argument " + depth + " is a negative number!"); 

          // checks if the hight entered is equal or less than 0
          if (hight <= 0)
          throw new NumberFormatException
              ("The argument " + hight + " is a negative number!");     

          int volume = width * depth * hight;
          System.out.println("The volume of a cube with dimensions " + "(" + width 
                             + "," + hight + "," + depth + ") " + "is " + volume);
         } // try

        // if there's one than more argument error will be displayed
        catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException exception)
          System.out.println("Please supply width, depth and hight arguments!");
          System.out.println("Exception message was: '" + exception.getMessage() 
                             + "'");
        } // catch          

       // if a negative number is entered error will be displayed
       catch (NumberFormatException exception)
         System.out.println("Dimensions for a cube can't be negative, please "
                                   + "insert only positive whole numbers!");
         System.out.println("Exception message was: '" + exception.getMessage() 
                                   + "'");     
       } // catch

     } // main
  } // CubeMain       



int width = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

如果相关字符串不是整数的有效字符串表示形式,则已抛出 NumberFormatException。



public class CubeVolume {
   private int width;
   private int depth;
   private int height;

   public static void main(String [] args) {
       if (args.length != 3) {
           throw new Exception("Width, height and depth are required arguments");
       width = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
       depth = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
       height = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);

       // more stuff here

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