java - JSP - 添加一个不在 modelAttribute 上的表单参数

标签 java jsp spring-mvc



由于 Student 类中不存在类(class)编号,因此仅将学生作为 modelAttribute 发送不会将类(class)编号发送到 Controller 。

所以我想知道将类(class)编号发送到 Controller 的最佳方式是什么。


JSP 文件片段:

<form:form method="POST" action="/tar/sisStudentSearch"
    <table class ="layoutBodyTable border">
                            <td class="label_r">First Name:</td>
                            <td><input type="text" name="firstName" maxlength="100" size="50" /></td>
                            <td class="label_r">Surname:</td>
                            <td><input type="text"  name="familyName" maxlength="100" size="50" /></td>

                            <td class="label_r"  alt="Gender">Gender:</td>
                            <td><input type="text" name="sexCode" maxlength="1" size="1" /></td>
                            <td class="label_r"  alt="Date of birth">Date of Birth:</td>
                            <td><input type="text" maxlength="10" size="10" /></td>
                            <td class="label_r">College No:</td>
                            <td><input type="text" maxlength="3" size="3" /></td>
                            <td class="label_r">Course No:</td>
                            <td><input type="text" id="courseNo" name="enrolments.courseNo" maxlength="5" size="5" />

代码片段 Controller :

public class StudentSearchController {

    StudentService studentService;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/sisStudentSearch", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public ModelAndView searchStudents(@ModelAttribute("student") Student student,
            Map<String, Object> map, HttpServletRequest request) {

        List<Student> students = new ArrayList<Student>();
        // StudentService userService = new StudentService();
        Logger.getLogger(StudentSearchController.class).info("Student id received as parameter: " + student.getStudentNo());

            students = studentService.findStudents(student);        
            if (students!= null && !students.isEmpty()){
                Logger.getLogger(StudentSearchController.class).info("Students found ! First name: " + students.get(0).getFirstName());
        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("sisStudent");
        modelAndView.addObject("students", students);
        return modelAndView;





public class StudentModel{
    private String name;
    //other attributes
    private String courseId;
    // GETTERS and SETTERS for all the fields

PS:您可以使用 @Max@Min 作为模型属性的验证。

您的 Controller :

public class StudentSearchController {

     StudentService studentService;

     // added this assuming that you need courses from database
     CourseService courseService;
     StudentModel studentmodel;

      @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
      public ModelAndView init() {
               studentmodel = new StudentModel();
               ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView();
               //assuming that your seach page is named studentpage
               List<Course> courses  = courseService.findCourses(..);
               modelAndView.addObject("student", studentmodel );  
               modelAndView.addObject("courses", courses);  
               // any other logic
       return modelAndView;

      @RequestMapping(value = "/sisStudentSearch", method = RequestMethod.POST)
     public ModelAndView searchStudents(@ModelAttribute("student") StudentModel student,
                    Map<String, Object> map, HttpServletRequest request) {
                //here you can acess your courseNumber from StudentModel student
               // Apply you logic by calling the studentService filter method that gets attributs from the model
                ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("sisStudent");
                modelAndView.addObject("students", students);
                return modelAndView;


在你的 JSP 中:

将输入的值分配给 courseNo,或通过 courseId 的值使用 select 和 option

<td><input type="text" id="courseNo" name="courseId" value="${enrolments.courseNo}"/>

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