linux - 替换括号中的单词以放入引号中

标签 linux perl awk sed sas

我想替换括号中的单词以放入引号中。 我的previous question括号内有一个值。这个问题与我之前的问题相同,但想到了一种情况,我将在括号中包含多个值。

下面是我在变量数据之一中的数据 -

SELECT          * 
FROM            ( 
                       SELECT table1 file2.txt file.txt queues qdefinitions parameters trap-deposit-dstran.dat.2016-08-07 
                       FROM   cs_case 
                       WHERE  ant_cd='FI_BASE_TENANT') t1 
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 t2 
ON              t2.case_id=t1.case_id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN table3 t3 
ON              t3.service_xid=t1.service_xid 
LEFT OUTER JOIN table4 t4 
ON              t4.service_id=t1.service_id 
WHERE           ( 
                                t1.casestatus_cd = (new,retired,pending,OPEN,closed) 
                OR              t1.case_status_num = (1,2,3,4) ) 
GROUP BY        t1.case_reference, 
ORDER BY        t2.last_scrfp DESC


SELECT          * 
FROM            ( 
                       SELECT table1 file2.txt file.txt queues qdefinitions parameters trap-deposit-dstran.dat.2016-08-07 
                       FROM   cs_case 
                       WHERE  ant_cd='FI_BASE_TENANT') t1 
LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 t2 
ON              t2.case_id=t1.case_id 
LEFT OUTER JOIN table3 t3 
ON              t3.service_xid=t1.service_xid 
LEFT OUTER JOIN table4 t4 
ON              t4.service_id=t1.service_id 
WHERE           ( 
                                t1.casestatus_cd = ('NEW','RETIRED','PENDING','OPEN','CLOSED') 
                or              t1.case_status_num = (1,2,3,4) ) 
GROUP BY        t1.case_reference, 
ORDER BY        t2.last_scrfp DESC

以前我使用过 sed 命令如下

sed -E 's/\(([^(,$1)'\'']+)\)/('\''\1'\'')/g' Filename.txt


使用 solutionsln提供使用Regex Quote-Like operators ,提供可读性/可维护性。



use strict;
use warnings 'all';

# create a regex quote-like string for our match
my $rx = qr{\(([^)]+)\)};

# step through STDIN
while(<>) {

    # Replace matching (...) sections by passing the matched part
    # to QuoteText() and subsituting the result it returns.
    # Note the 'e' and 'g' flags to s///, e enables "extended"
    # operations which allows us to call QuoteText() and g 
    # replaces _all_ occurances on a line

    # print out the line (post any possible substitutions)

sub QuoteText {
    my $text = shift;

    # the variable we will use to return our result
    my $result;

    # Does the text contain commas and also contains alphabetical characters?   
    if($text =~ /,/ && $text =~ /[a-z]/i) {

        # split up the text around commas, then rejoin them with the 
        # string ',', and then prepend and append a single quote 
        # at the begining and end of line. So one,two becomes 'one','two'
        $result = q/'/ . join(q/','/, split (',', $text)) . q/'/;

    # The word _only_ contains numbers, spaces and commas, leave as is
    } elsif($text =~ /^[\s\d,]+$/i) {
        $result = $text;

    # We possibly have just a single word? default to quoting the word
    } else {
        $result = qq/'$text'/;

    # return our result wrapped in ()'s
    return "($result)";


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