linux - 如何检查Ubuntu中是否安装了NFS Server?

标签 linux ubuntu nfs

我正在尝试将 NFS 服务器安装到我的全新 Ubuntu 计算机上,并且即将遵循 this article 。但在此之前,有没有办法判断它是否已经安装了?

我运行的是 Ubuntu 12.04


这是我运行后得到的 -

dpkg -la | grep nfs

ii  libnfsidmap2                     0.23-2                                            An nfs idmapping library
ii  nfs-common                       1:1.2.2-1ubuntu1                                  NFS support files common to client and server

aptitude 命令给了我这样的 -

aptitude search nfs

p   fai-nfsroot                                                                                                    - Fully Automatic Installation nfsroot package
v   knfs                                                                                                           -
p   libfile-nfslock-perl                                                                                           - perl module to do NFS (or not) locking
p   libnfsidmap-dev                                                                                                - header files and docs for libnfsidmap
i A libnfsidmap2                                                                                                   - An nfs idmapping library
p   libyanfs-java                                                                                                  - Yet Another NFS - a Java NFS library
v   nfs-client                                                                                                     -
i   nfs-common                                                                                                     - NFS support files common to client and server
p   nfs-kernel-server                                                                                              - support for NFS kernel server
v   nfs-server                                                                                                     -
p   nfs4-acl-tools                                                                                                 - Commandline and GUI ACL utilities for the NFSv4 client
p   nfswatch                                                                                                       - Program to monitor NFS traffic for the console
p   p3nfs                                                                                                          - to mount the file systems on the Psion/Symbian PDA/Phone
p   unfs3                                                                                                          - User-space NFSv3 Server
p   unionfs-fuse                                                                                                   - Fuse implementation of unionfs

我也尝试了 netstat 命令 -

netstat -tl | grep 2049



dpkg -la | grep nfs

将列出您已安装且名称包含 nfs 的所有软件包。

aptitude search nfs

会告诉您 nfs 服务器包名为 nfs-server。既然您没有看到它,我就说您没有安装它。


netstat -tl | grep 2049

检查是否有人已经在监听 nfs 端口。

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