linux - 如何在 svn 存储库上应用 diff linux 命令生成的补丁

标签 linux svn patch

我有一个使用 diff 命令生成的补丁:

diff -ruN orig/ new/ > file.patch

我想使用 svn 实用程序在 svn repo 上应用此补丁。 如何做到这一点?


$ svn help patch

patch: Apply a patch to a working copy.

usage: patch PATCHFILE [WCPATH]

Apply a unidiff patch in PATCHFILE to the working copy WCPATH. If WCPATH is omitted, '.' is assumed.

A unidiff patch suitable for application to a working copy can be produced with the svn diff command or third-party diffing tools. Any non-unidiff content of PATCHFILE is ignored, except for Subversion property diffs as produced by svn diff.

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