node.js - 使用全局二级索引的DynamoDB表查询项

标签 node.js amazon-web-services amazon-dynamodb

我正在尝试查询包含各个位置的纬度和经度的发电机表。我想当用户在 map 上平移时获取某些坐标之间的值。

表的主键是city,排序键是id。我创建了一个全局二级索引,其中 lat 作为分区键,lon 作为排序键(用于查询纬度和经度两点之间的位置)。


let doc = require('dynamodb-doc');
let dynamo = new doc.DynamoDB();


        var params = {
            TableName : "locations-dev",
            IndexName: "lat-lon-index",
            KeyConditionExpression: "lon between :lon2 and :lon1 AND lat between :lat1 and :lat2",
            ExpressionAttributeValues: {
                ":lat1": JSON.stringify(event.bodyJSON.east),
                ":lat2": JSON.stringify(event.bodyJSON.west),
                ":lon1": JSON.stringify(event.bodyJSON.north),
                ":lon2": JSON.stringify(event.bodyJSON.south)

        dynamo.query(params, function (err, data) {
            if (err) {
                console.error('Error with ', err);
            } else {


   "errorMessage": "Query key condition not supported",
   "errorType": "ValidationException",
   "stackTrace": [

以下是 Dynamo 中的示例项目:

  "id": "18",
  "lat": "39.923070",
  "lon": "-86.036178",
  "name": "Home Depot",
  "phone": "(317)915-8534",
  "website": ""


DynamoDB 中的主键(即使在辅助索引中)只能使用等于条件进行查询。该约束源自其内部表示,因为它存储为散列值以标识其项目分区。这些哈希值无法按范围查询。

Choosing the Right DynamoDB Partition Key

Except for scan, DynamoDB API operations require an equal operator (EQ) on the partition key for tables and GSIs. As a result, the partition key must be something that is easily queried by your application with a simple lookup (for example, using key=value, which returns either a unique item or fewer items).

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