node.js - 从 mongoose 检索 mongoDB 驱动程序数据库

标签 node.js mongodb mongoose

我正在设计一个模块,提供一个构造函数,该函数接受 mongo db 实例作为其参数。在我的应用程序中,我尝试使用 Mongoose 来测试这一点。由于 mongoose 是在 mongoDB 驱动程序模块上构建的,因此我假设有一种方法可以从 mongoose 模块检索数据库驱动程序对象。




function Authorizer(mongoDBCon, userOptions){
    this.db = mongoDBCon;
    this.authorize = authorize;
    this.assignOwner = assignOwner;
    this.setUserPermission = setUserPermission;
    this.setRolePermission = setRolePermission;
    this.retrieveUserPermission = retrieveUserPermission;
    this.setRolePermission = setRolePermission;

    let defaultOptions = {
        unauthorizedHandler: (next)=>{
            let error = new Error('user has performed an unauthorized action');
            error.status = 401;
        userAuthCollection: 'user_authorization',
        roleAuthCollection: 'role_authorization',


    this.options = _.assign({},defaultOptions,userOptions);

function setRolePermission(role, resource, permissions) {
    let document = {
        role: role,
        resource: resource,
        permissions: permissions,

    //add the document only if the role permission is not found
    let collection = this.db.collection(this.options.roleAuthCollection);
        .then((result)=>console.log('in here')) //------> not printing :(


let mongoose = require('mongoose');
let Authorizer = require('util/authorization/authorization');

let authorizer = new Authorizer(mongoose.connection.db);

//set admin role permissions
authorizer.setRolePermission('admin', 'users', '*');
authorizer.setRolePermission('admin', 'postings', '*');

module.exports = authorizer;

与 mongo 连接的文件

// Set up and connect to MongoDB:
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Promise = Promise;

我现在没有看到我希望在 then() 方法中看到的日志。

  1. mongoose.connection.db 是否相当于返回的数据库实例 来自 MongoClient.connect ?
  2. mongoClient 不支持 Promise 吗?
  3. 您能帮助解决我的问题吗?

答案: @Neil Lunn 为我提供了答案。综上所述,mongoose.connection.db相当于MongoClient.connect返回的db。另外,我遇​​到了错误,因为我在数据库建立连接之前查询了数据库。


请注意,这似乎在某些时候发生了变化,在 v5 中我可以像这样访问数据库:

const res = await mongoose.connect(...);
const { db } = mongoose.connection;
const result = await db.collection('test').find().toArray();

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