javascript - 如何在循环内使用 JavaScript 创建 waitFor(delay) 函数?

标签 javascript node.js settimeout

我正在尝试在 Node.js 的循环内添加延迟。我有一个数组,需要为数组的每个元素调用一个函数。问题是每次这样的函数调用应该有 30 秒的间隔。这是我尝试过的 -

const cprRedshift = async (page) => {
    let query = "select links from schema.table", links = [], ranks = []
    let data = await redshiftSelect(query)
    data.rows.forEach(element => {

    let hostnames = await getDomainNames(links)

    // one way
    for(let i = 0; i < hostnames.length; i++){
            await setTimeout(async () => await checkPageRank(hostnames[i]), 30000)

    // another way    
    let i = 0
    while(i < hostnames.length){
        await checkPageRank(page, hostnames[i])
        setInterval(() => ++i, 30000)

checkPageRank 是同一脚本中的一个函数,我需要为 hostnames[] 数组中的所有元素调用它,同时在每次调用之间保持 30 秒的间隔。任何关于如何实现这一目标的想法将不胜感激。谢谢!



const hostnames = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six"];

function go (index = 0) {
  // do whatever you need to do for the current index.
  // if we haven't reached the end set a timeout
  // to call this function again with the next index.
  if (hostnames.length > index + 1) {
    setTimeout(() => go(index + 1), 1000);

// kick it off

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