node.js - 使用 Q.js 创建延迟数组

标签 node.js coffeescript q

使用 Q 和请求模块,我尝试将动态数量的延迟推送到数组中,以便稍后可以对它们调用 Q.all。我已经阅读了周围的内容,下面是我能得到的最接近的内容,但它不起作用。

我想我明白了 Q.all 部分,但这就是我应该如何存储数组中每个延迟的部分,这就是我被绊倒的地方。

_ = require 'underscore'
request = require 'request'
Q = require 'q'

class Github

  ## Filter issues by "important Label"
  getIssues: (callback) ->

    options ...

    request options, (err, resp, body) =>

      issues = _.filter JSON.parse(body), (issue) ->

      ## I'm attempting to store my promises in this `deferreds`
      deferreds = @getPulls issues

      ## to test I'm getting something, and I do
      setTimeout ( => console.log @pulls.length ), 2500

      ## but this gives me 0
      Q.all(deferreds).then( (a,b) =>
        console.log 'Q all', @pulls.length

  # Get PR info for important issues
  getPulls: (issues) ->

    deferreds = []
    @pulls = []

    for issue in issues

      options = ...
      deferred = Q.defer()

      deferreds.push request options, (err, resp, body) =>
        @pulls.push JSON.parse body

        return deferred.promise

    return deferreds

module.exports = Github



class Github

  pulls = []

  getIssues: (callback) ->    

    options = ...
    request options, (err, resp, body) =>

      issues = _.filter JSON.parse(body), (issue) ->

      @pulls = []
      deferreds = []

      for issue in issues
        d = @makeDeferred issue
        deferreds.push d

      Q.all(deferreds).then( (a,b) =>
        console.log 'Q all done', @pulls.length

  makeDeferred: (issue) ->
    deferred = Q.defer()

    options = ...

    request options, (err, resp, body) =>
      @pulls.push JSON.parse(body)


module.exports = Github

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