javascript - 如何在 route 使用服务属性?

标签 javascript node.js ember.js ember-data

我有一个处理用户身份验证并通过模型获取用户数据的服务。它获取的数据之一是饮食计划的开始日期。我想使用此日期来计算一个数字:自程序启动以来的天数,因此我可以使用该数字来查询从 CMS 提取内容的不同模型。


这是仪表板的 Controller

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Controller.extend({

  authManager: Ember.inject.service('session'),


{{#if authManager.currentUser.activeCleanse}}
  You are on a cleanse that starts 
  You are not on a cleanse.

以上所有代码都有效,但是当我在 Controller 中尝试类似的操作时:

  activeCleanse: Ember.computed( function(){
    return this.get('authManager.currentUser').then( (user) => {
    return user.cleanse_active;

  startDate: Ember.computed( function(){
    return this.get('authManager.currentUser').then( (user) => {
    return user.cleanse_start;


{{#if activeCleanse}}
  You are on a cleanse that starts {{startDate}}
  You are not on a cleanse.

它不会响应 activeCleanse 为 false(模板似乎只是检查其存在),并且日期标记仅显示 [object Object]

我实际上正在尝试获取 Controller 中的日期,以便我可以操纵它作为参数之一传递给仪表板路线,该路线根据特定日期获取模型:


import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Route.extend({

  model() {
    return this.get('store').queryRecord('cleanse-post', {
      filter: {
        tag: 'day-1'





  1. activeCleanse它的计算属性依赖于authManager.currentUser,所以你的计算属性格式应该是这样的
     activeCleanse: Ember.computed('authManager.currentUser',function(){
      //return the result

There is no need for bind(this) since that computed property will be called with particular context, in your example this would be controller.

  1. Currently your computed property is returning Promise, computed property is not promise aware. you can try returning DS.PromiseObject to make it work.
        return DS.PromiseObject.create({
          promise: this.get('authManager.currentUser').then( (user) => {
            return user.cleanse_start;

In your case, I would say you can use setupController hook on the route, where you can set activeCleanse property,

this.get('authManager.currentUser').then( (user) => {

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