arrays - 搜索包含项目数组的项目等node.js

标签 arrays node.js recursion

想象一下,我有一个项目,它有一个项目数组,并且该数组中的任何项目都有一个项目数组,依此类推。 所以我有无限级别的 Items,我想知道如何在 Node.js 中访问所有这些 Items。 像这样:

     /     \
   Item2    Item3
            /    \
          Item4   Item5

Item1 是一个数组。 Item2 和 Item3 另一个数组等等。


I have an Item that has an array of Items ... i want to know how to get to all of them


/* setup test input */
const tree = [
console.log("INPUT:\n", tree)

/* run test */
const leaves = flatten(tree)
console.log("OUTPUT:", leaves) // outputs leaf nodes in a flat array

// flatten() is a recursive function takes an array that *may* contain nested arrays, and returns an array containing all leaf elements without nesting.
function flatten(arr) {
  return arr.reduce(expandNestedArraysOrAppend, [])

function expandNestedArraysOrAppend(accum, element, idx) {
  if (Array.isArray(element)) {
    return [...accum, ...flatten(element)] // if we have an array, flatten it before appending
  return [...accum, element]               // if not an array, just append


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