node.js - Firestore 偶尔会触发超时

标签 node.js firebase google-cloud-firestore google-cloud-functions

我有一个Cloud Firestore trigger它负责调整我的应用程序中用户钱包的余额。

exports.onCreateTransaction = functions.firestore
    .onCreate(async (snap, context) => {
        const { accountId, transactionId  } = context.params;

        const transaction =;

        // See the implementation of alreadyTriggered in the next code block
        const alreadyTriggered = await firestoreHelpers.triggers.alreadyTriggered(context);

        if (alreadyTriggered) {
            return null;

        if (transaction.status === 'confirmed') {
            const accountRef = firestore

            const account = (await accountRef.get()).data();
            const balance = transaction.type === 'deposit' ? 
                    account.balance + transaction.amount : 
                    account.balance - transaction.amount;

            await accountRef.update({ balance });

        return snap.ref.update({ id: transactionId });

作为触发器实际上可能be called more than once ,我添加了这个 alreadyTriggered 辅助函数:

const alreadyTriggered = (event) => {
    return firestore.runTransaction(async transaction => {
        const { eventId } = event;
        const metaEventRef = firestore.doc(`metaEvents/${eventId}`);
        const metaEvent = await transaction.get(metaEventRef);

        if (metaEvent.exists) {
            console.error(`Already triggered function for event: ${eventId}`);
            return true;
        } else {
            await transaction.set(metaEventRef, event);
            return false;


Function execution took 60005 ms, finished with status: 'timeout'



如上所述,有关多次执行的声明是测试版限制。 Cloud Functions 现已结束测试版。目前的保证是at-least-once默认执行。如果您enable retries,您只会得到多个可能的事件在云控制台中。如果您想确保事件得到可靠处理,您应该这样做。


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