node.js - 如何将流传输到 Node 中的文件描述符?

标签 node.js posix file-descriptor

我正在 Node 中编写一个 cli,我想打开用户 $EDITOR 来编辑从流中读取的数据(http 响应 IncomingMessage)。


在 bash 中我可以这样写:

$EDITOR <(curl $url)

$DIFF <(curl $url_1) <(curl $url_2)

<(curl $url)扩展为类似 /proc/self/fd/11

echo <(curl $url)

但是我该如何用 JavaScript 编写它呢?

import cp from 'child_process'
const fisrt = request(...);
const second = require(...);
const first_fd = ???;
const second_fd = ???;

const proc = cp.spawn(process.env.DIFF, [first_fd, second_fd] { stdio: 'inherit' });

好的,如果stream由套接字或 fd 支持,您可以将其传递给 options.stdio ,但如果不是,如果它是转换流怎么办?

options.stdio object - Share a readable or writable stream that refers to a tty, file, socket, or a pipe with the child process. The stream's underlying file descriptor is duplicated in the child process to the fd that corresponds to the index in the stdio array. The stream must have an underlying descriptor (file streams do not until the 'open' event has occurred).



您可以使用以下 nodejs 代码将下载的内容流式传输到终端中的 vim 文本编辑器中:

const { spawn } = require('child_process');
const request = require('request');
    url: '' 
}, function (err, res, body) { 
    const vi = spawn('vi', ['-'], { stdio: ['pipe', process.stdout, process.stderr] });


然后,如果您从终端执行此代码,它将下载 google 的 html 并让您编辑并将其保存在文件中。您可以使用 :w myfile.txt 在 vi​​m 中保存到文件。


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