javascript - RabbitMQ(和 Node.js)中的异步确认

标签 javascript node.js rabbitmq amqp

我心中有一个 RabbitMQ 的具体用例,我想澄清某些事情并寻求建议。





据我了解,如果服务器崩溃,messageA 将会丢失,因为我的消费者在收到消息时默认已确认它。




RabbitMQ 不保留重新排队的消息顺序:

For the most part, yes. Say a publisher publishes messages M1, M2, M3 and M4 (in that order) on the same channel and with the same routing information. If these messages are routed to a queue then they will end up in the same order that they were published. Consuming on the queue will yield M1, M2, M3 and then M4.

However, the order is only guaranteed in the absence of requeuing. A message will be implicitly requeued if a consumer closes the channel before ack'ing a message. For example, if a consumer receives M1, fails to ack and closes the channel then the next consumer will receive messages in the order M2, M3, M4, M1. Messages can also be explicitly requeued if the consumer calls basic.recover{requeue=true}. The FAQ on at least once delivery talks about this in some more detail.

RabbitMQ FAQ

这可以完成,但 RabbitMQ 不会自动执行,您需要通过将子消息包装在父消息中来自己管理生命周期。然后,您将拥有管理父消息的代码,并在消息 1 成功但消息 2 失败时处理回滚。希望这有帮助..


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