php - 将 csv 文件中的值插入到 MySQL 表中

标签 php mysql csv

我正在尝试将从 csv 文件中提取的值插入到 mysql 表中。它运行但表未填充。我已尝试调试最后一个 XXXX,但看不到我的错误。回显这些值给我正确的 SQL,但是当涉及到 INSERT 时 - 没有骰子。



$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'fulltime_admin';
$pass = 'secret';
$database = 'fulltime_db';

$db = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass);
mysql_query($database, $db);

//////////////////////////////// EDIT //////////////////////////////////// 

$redirect_num = 500;   // Select how many rows to insert each time before refresh. 
// More rows = faster insertion. However cannot be too high otherwise it will timeout. 

$filename = "ps4_emails.csv"; // The file we are going to get the data from... 

$table = "`ps4_emails`"; 

////////////////////////////// END EDIT ////////////////////////////////// 

$file = file($filename); 
$lines = count($file); 

// Have we just redirected? 
$nextline = $_GET['nextline']; 
if (!isset($nextline)){ 
    $nextline = 0; 

$query = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (email) VALUES ('".$final_line[0]."')";

for ($line=$nextline; $line<=$lines; $line++){ 

    $final_line = explode(",", $file[$line]); 

    if ($line!=$lines){ 


    if ($line % $redirect_num){ 

        // something needs to go here
    } else { 
        $nextline = $line+1; 
        exit ('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=texttomysqlemails.php?nextline='.$nextline.'" />'); 

    echo  ( $line==$lines ) ? "Done" : ""; 



将您的查询放入循环中,以便将其与变量 $final_line 一起使用。


$final_line = explode(",", $file[$line]); 

if ($line!=$lines){ 
   $query = "INSERT INTO ".$table." (email) VALUES ('".$final_line[0]."')";

不要使用mysql_*。它已被弃用并从 PHP 7 中删除。使用 mysqli_*PDO

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