javascript - 具有 Node.js 异步的 API 数据并检索数据使其同步

标签 javascript node.js callback

我需要有关我正在制作的 Node 天气应用程序的帮助。我使用 Google API 获取地址的经度和纬度,并将其输入到 Dark Sky API 中,以 JSON 格式返回天气。

我的问题是,大多数时候天气 API 都会在 google API 返回经度和纬度之前进行搜索。我知道为什么这样做是因为 Node.js 的异步特性。我的问题是如何使这部分同步?

var express = require('express');
var https = require('https')
var bodyParser = require("body-parser");

var app = express();

extended: true


var lon;

var lat;'/', function(req,res,next){

var search =;

function google(){

    var api = "API-KEY";

    var url = https.get(`${search}&key=${api}`, function(res3){

        var body = "";
        var googleResults;

        res3.on('data', function(data){
            body += data.toString();

        res3.on('end', function(){

            googleResults = JSON.parse(body);
            lat = googleResults.results[0];
            lon = googleResults.results[0].geometry.location.lon;




//connectc to API URL()
var request = https.get(`${lon},${lat}`, function(res2){

console.log(lon + " " + lat)
            var body = "";
            var weather;
            //Read the data
            res2.on('data', function(data){
                body += data.toString();


            res2.on('end', function(){
                    //Parse the data
                     weather = JSON.parse(body);
                    //Print data
                    //console.log("test = " + weather.currently.temperature)
                    res.render('index', {
                        temperature: weather.currently.temperature,
                        humidity: weather.currently.humidity,
                        wind: weather.currently.windSpeed




最简单的事情是让 google() 将回调函数作为参数,而无需过多地重构代码。然后您可以使用该回调函数来触发对黑暗天空的调用。

var express = require('express');
var https = require('https')
var bodyParser = require("body-parser");

var app = express();

  extended: true

app.use(bodyParser.json());'/', function(req, res, next) {

  var search =;

  // Have google() take a callback function as an argument and
  // call that function with the data when it's done.
  function google(cb) {

    var api = "API-KEY";

    var url = https.get(`${search}&key=${api}`, function(res3) {

      var body = "";
      var googleResults;

      res3.on('data', function(data) {
        body += data.toString();

      res3.on('end', function() {

        googleResults = JSON.parse(body);
        lat = googleResults.results[0];
        lon = googleResults.results[0].geometry.location.lon;
        // Call the function here
        cb(lat, lon);



  // Now use the callback to do your second request to darksky
  google(function(lat, lon) {
    //connectc to API URL()
    var request = https.get(`${lon},${lat}`, function(res2) {

      console.log(lon + " " + lat)
      var body = "";
      var weather;
      //Read the data
      res2.on('data', function(data) {
        body += data.toString();


      res2.on('end', function() {
        //Parse the data
        weather = JSON.parse(body);
        //Print data
        //console.log("test = " + weather.currently.temperature)
        res.render('index', {
          temperature: weather.currently.temperature,
          humidity: weather.currently.humidity,
          wind: weather.currently.windSpeed



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