node.js - 如何使用 AWS KMS 加密和解密字符串?

标签 node.js amazon-web-services amazon-kms

我正在尝试使用 AWS KMS 加密和解密一个简单的字符串,
我正在使用 AWS Javascript SDK 来执行此操作,
但是 KMS 解密方法的输出不会产生我试图加密的原始字符串。


var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const util = require('util');

var kms = new AWS.KMS({apiVersion: '2014-11-01'});

let test = async () => {

    try {
        let data = `test`;

        var encryptionParams = {
            KeyId: "someKMSKeyId",
            Plaintext: data

        let kmsEncrypt = util.promisify(kms.encrypt).bind(kms);
        let encryptedData = await kmsEncrypt(encryptionParams);

        //encryptedData contained 2 parts, CiphertextBlob and KeyId
        console.log('encryptedData => \n', encryptedData);
        console.log('\nencryptedData.CiphertextBlob => \n', encryptedData.CiphertextBlob);
        console.log('\nencryptedData.KeyId => \n', encryptedData.KeyId);

        var decryptionParams = {
            CiphertextBlob : encryptedData.CiphertextBlob

        let kmsDecrypt = util.promisify(kms.decrypt).bind(kms);
        let decryptedData = await kmsDecrypt(decryptionParams);

        //ndecryptedData contained 2 parts, Plaintext and KeyId
        console.log('\ndecryptedData => \n', decryptedData);
        console.log('\ndecryptedData.Plaintext => \n', decryptedData.Plaintext);
        console.log('\ndecryptedData.KeyId => \n', decryptedData.KeyId);
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('\nerror => \n',error);


我期待 decryptedData.Plaintext 的输出进行测试
但输出类似于 - <Buffer 74 65 73 74> ,



感谢 kdgregory 的提示,我能够通过使用 base64 将纯文本解码为字符串来解决此问题,
以下是使用 AWS KMS 进行加密和解密的最终工作代码 -

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const util = require('util');

var kms = new AWS.KMS({apiVersion: '2014-11-01'});

let test = async () => {

    try {
        let data = 'test';

        var encryptionParams = {
            KeyId: "kmsKeyId",
            Plaintext: data

        let kmsEncrypt = util.promisify(kms.encrypt).bind(kms);
        let encryptedData = await kmsEncrypt(encryptionParams);

        //encryptedData contained 2 parts, CiphertextBlob and KeyId
        console.log('encryptedData => \n', encryptedData);
        console.log('\nencryptedData.CiphertextBlob => \n', encryptedData.CiphertextBlob);
        console.log('\nencryptedData.KeyId => \n', encryptedData.KeyId);

        let buff = Buffer.from(encryptedData.CiphertextBlob);
        let encryptedBase64data = buff.toString('base64');
        console.log("\nencryptedBase64data => \n", encryptedBase64data);

        var decryptionParams = {
            CiphertextBlob : encryptedData.CiphertextBlob

        let kmsDecrypt = util.promisify(kms.decrypt).bind(kms);
        let decryptedData = await kmsDecrypt(decryptionParams);

        //ndecryptedData contained 2 parts, Plaintext and KeyId
        console.log('\ndecryptedData => \n', decryptedData);
        console.log('\ndecryptedData.Plaintext => \n', decryptedData.Plaintext);
        console.log('\ndecryptedData.KeyId => \n', decryptedData.KeyId);

        let buff2 = Buffer.from(decryptedData.Plaintext, 'base64');  
        let originalText = buff2.toString('ascii');
        console.log('\noriginalText => \n', originalText);
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('\nerror => \n',error);


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